Episode 2: Showdown! Pokémon Center!

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Satoshi: I'll be the ultimate Pokémon trainer. . . No, a Pokémon Master! That's what I'm going to be! Satoshi believed with all his might that would be the case. With Pikachu as his Pokémon in tow, and Y/n tagging along to keep an eye on him, things went well until they departed Masara Town.

*flashback to last few paragraphs of chapter one*


We open on Tokiwa City.

"Citizens of Tokiwa City, thank you for your hard efforts," said a voice from every loudspeaker around town. "It's now almost dinnertime. Recently, there has been an increase in victims of pickpocketing, luggage theft, and Pokémon abduction. Please be vigilant." This policewoman, known locally as Junso, turned to see three figures seemingly abducting a Pokémon.

"Oh speak of the devil. . ."

Yes, these suspicious-looking children are none other than our protagonists. Running, sprinting even, seeking to receive medical attention for those in critical condition. But, as they reached the town's entrance, they were stopped by officer Junso for suspiciousness.

"One moment please," Junso commanded, "I cannot allow suspicious persons to pass through."

"We're no suspicious people!" replied Satoshi, "I'm taking my Pokémon to the hospital."

"Hey don't forget about me. . ." a near-dead Y/n reminded them.

"Oh my god! Your injuries are horrifying! Your bone is exposed!!" Junso exclaimed with great concern.

"Wonder how they're gonna treat that, heh heh. ow. . . But anyway, let's give her our Field Guides; they act as identification cards, remember?"

"Oh yeah, forgot about that."

"So you're both from Masara Town, huh? And she's from Hanada City. . You three should be hurrying right now, right?"


The three children sit within the unusually large attached car on the side of the police three-wheeler.

"We're going at turbo speed!" shouted Junso over the sound of the engine.

On the way to the hospital, Y/n thought about his battle with the Gyarados. They were the one to give him this deep-reaching wound. How, he pondered, how would things be had he lost? He later remembered that's how he met Kasumi.

"Hey, Kasumi?" Y/n invoked.


"Why're you tagging along again?"

"Because you two still owe me a bike!"

"I don't owe you jack shit! It was Satoshi that crashed it!"

"Aren't you supposed to be watching over him?"


Unbeknownst to our protagonists a hook attached to a line of fishing rod wire descended from a hot-air balloon to tear off the wanted poster on a sign.

"A wanted poster of us?" asked a female unnamed figure with red lipstick, green earrings, and long, red hair.

"Such a harsh photograph. You can't see my face properly," observed the second figure. This one was male and had well–kept, periwinkle hair. 

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