Chapter 6 - Rising Malevolence

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|Belief is not a matter of choice, but of conviction.|

The clone starfleet is under seige. Dozens of Republic warships have been destroyed in merciless surprise attacks that leave no survivors. Rumors spread of a terrible new Separatist weapon. In the face of growing fear, The Jedi Council sends Master Plo Koon to hunt down the menace before it strikes again.

Its been just under a week. Freya is now back on her feet much to Anakin's dismay. He felt as though she should rest more but after lying in that bed for six days, she was going crazy. They were currently stationed in the Bith system, waiting for the mystery weapon to come sailing by.

"General, there's an incoming transmission from Master Plo Koon." Limit informed her. Freya nodded and stood from her seat, placing her cards down on the table.

"I win," the girl cheered with a smug grin on her face. She moved to the door to leave but Limit blocked the exit. He held up a finger before moving to the table and reaching under it, pulling out two cards Freya had stuck to the bottom. He held them up for the boys to see.

"You've been cheated, boys," Limit revealed.

"You snitch," Freya laughed, pushing his shoulder. She smiled before leaving the room, heading towards the command bridge. As the transmission began, Freya walked over to stand beside Anakin with Ahsoka on the other side. A blue hologram of Master Plo Koon and Freya's friend, Dia appeared.

"Koh-to-ya, Master Plo." Ahsoka greeted him with a smile.

"Koh-to-ya, little Soka." He replied, fondly

"How's the hunt for the mystery weapon going?" Anakin asked the Kel Dorr as he crossed his arms.

"We've tracked it to the Abregado system. We need reinforcements." he responded, Freya opened her mouth to respond but her brother cut in with an entirely different answer.

"I'll have to ask the Council Master Plo. I was given strict orders to protect our staging area." Anakin told the Master. Freya shook her head with a sigh. This is the opposite of what she would have said. Suddenly, the audio and transmission started to glitch.

"Master Plo, what's happening..." Ahasoka asked moments before the hologram completely disappeared.

"You heard Master Plo, He needs our support. We have to go help him." Ahsoka spoke, trailing after her master across the bridge towards the holotable in the next room.

"We have to see what the Council decides first." Anakin replied, 

"You choose now to follow procedure? Ani, that's my friend out there,"

"This is an important meeting, Ahsoka." Anakin reminded her, as they stood outside the command center, "Remember, be mindful, and speak only when spoken to."

The doors opened to reveal four figures over the holotable, Master Windu, Master Yoda, Obi Wan and Chancellor Palpatine.

"This mystery weapon has struck in a dozen systems, and disappeared without a trace." Master Windu said, detailing what had happened in the last week as the three Jedi approached the table at the center of the room.

"We cannot afford to lose anymore ships my friends." Chancellor Palpatine chimed in before turning his head to see the two Skywalkers walking up.

"Master Skywalker, Freya. Have you had any success in finding General Grievous' secret weapon?" Chancellor Palpatine asked, Freya still couldn't figure out why she didn't trust the guy but she had a bad feeling about him ten years ago on Naboo.

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