Chapter 10 - Duel Of The Droids

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Chapter 10 - Duel Of The Droids

Missing in action! Anakin Skywalker's heroic droid navigator R2-D2 was lost in battle. When a desperate search fails to locate R2, Anakin is forced to take on a new navigator, R3-S6. Now the Jedi embark on a dangerous new mission... to find a secret enemy listening post.
Meanwhile, R2-D2 has fallen into the hands of a vile droid smuggler and is on his way to General Grievous... who will surely plunder the Republic's secrets hidden within him.

Freya laid back in her seat on the twilight, with her lips slightly parted, loud snores emitting from between them. The lack of sleep finally catching up to her. Her brother on the other hand, was pacing around the cockpit. His train of thought was continuously interrupted by the sound his sister was making.

The padawan looked over to her, giggling at the loudness of her snores, "Has she always been this loud?"

"She has, yes," Anakin nodded, the irritability on his features slowly starting to fade as he began to remember their childhood, "One morning, we had a visit from our neighbour complaining about noise from an engine that was running all night. It wasn't an engine, it was Freya." he smiled at how peaceful his sister looked. She had barely slept since they began their pursuit of the droid General and when she did sleep, she was haunted by endless nightmares that featured the droid army leader.

Ahsoka smiled from her spot, she was monitoring any transmissions that were picked up as they travelled through the darkness.

Captain Rex sat in the back, monitoring the computers, his helmet now discarded, with Anakin hovering over his shoulder, "We've searched their supply grids, sir. There's nothing to indicate the presence of an enemy outpost." the clone captain told him.

It wasn't long before Freya's loud snores abruptly came to a stop and was replaced by heavy, sharp breathing. Her body was twitching. Her relaxed features now showed distress, "I'm sorry," she whimpered.

"Master," Ahsoka called, gaining his attention, she nodded towards Freya, "I think she's having a nightmare,"

"About Grievous," Limit nodded.

As soon as he uttered 'Grievous' Freya's eyes snapped open, and she leapt up from her seat, her leg getting caught causing her to fall to the ground. She's drenched in cold sweat, her body is trembling, and her heart is beating rapidly. Her eyes dart around the room, with her lightsaber ignited terrified that the horror has followed her here.

"General?" Limit spoke softly, kneeling down beside her as she deactivated her lightsaber, "He's not here. You're safe. Remember? You told me you're always safe with your brother," She stands cautiously, shivering, rubbing her face and eyes, and attempts to fully wake up.

A small, tired smirk appeared on her face, "Don't tell him that. His head is already big,"

Anakin rolled his eyes at her remark, but he was still concerned about her mental state. Grievous' attack on her Star Destroyer had scarred her more severely than he thought.

Freya, on the other hand, was embarrassed that everyone, including her new 2nd in command had seen her in that state. She was sure that Captain Rex saw her as a weak leader at this point. She wouldn't blame him.

Ahsoka pressed a button on the pad she was holding and bought it up to her ear, "Master, I'm receiving a strange transmission. I can't seem to make it out, though." Ahsoka told him. Anakin turned his attention to her and R3 beeped. Ahsoka pushed a button just above the terminal R3 was plugged into before turning her gaze to the droid. "Boost the volume, Goldie," she told it, the droid beeped once again.

"No, you're losing it!" Anakin hissed. He hurried over and pushed the larger button beside the one Ahsoka had pressed, successfully strengthening the signal. A familiar beep then sounded through the comm, both Anakin and Freya perked up at the sound. "That's Artoo!" he exclaimed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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