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The thick hessian is tight against my face, and my eyes ae straining to try and see through it. It took ages of wriggling and twisting my body to get out of the sack. Finally I am free, but it is too dark in the boot to see anything clearly. I'm feeling around for the button on the roof to open it, but my hand cant seem to find it. In my desparation for escape, I clutch at a piece of paper floating around, and stuff it into my pocket. Finally, my fingers grasp on the catch in the roof. I fling open the door and leap out, faceplanting in the gravel. Thankfully it's not a busy road. Thankfully, its just a lonely farm road. A lonely farm road. My heart is thumping, and a devastating fear is surrounding me. "What is they come back?" Surely they'd soon notice my absence- the open boot door being a dead giveaway. My brown sandals are cream with dust, and my mouth is drier than a thirsty camel crossing the desert.

"COO!" I flinch. Strange noises are coming from the shadowy silhouettes of trees barely noticable in the pitch dark. Every time a car roars past, I crouch in the bushes, cross my fingers, and hold my breath. Its been hours. The only thing to guide my path is the small dotty stars littered across the sky. However, the next car the races towards me I can tell is a police squad car. Even in the black darkness i can make out the black and yellow checkered pattern painted on its sides. Suddenly, a daredevil awakens in me, and I leap across the road in front of the car. The car skids to a halt. Thankfully, I open the door, and climb in. Obviously, gran had sent out a search party to come looking for me. "What's your name?' The police man asks. "Miley Graham" I say. "My gran's sent out a search party for me. We live In Calico bay, Connecticut" The police man checks his notes and rubs his beard. "Nope, there isn't a search party in Conneticut" My heart drops. Why hadn't gran called a search party?

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