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There it is. Gravel driveway. red bricks. Those freaky garden gnomes I'd begged her  to get rid of. It's the same house I'd ever known, and yet it looks so unfamiliar. So cold. My heart is beating out of my chest. My eyes are red and swollen, but I'm not crying. Yet. Gran normally meets us at the door. I stand at the door, looking at the police man fretfully. Slowly, he lifts his hand, and rings the doorbell...

No answer. My heart is in my mouth. He tries the door handle. It's unlocked. At this point, I'm frantic. Gran always locks the door, even when she's inside herself! The black and white tiles are cold against my bare feet (I kicked my shoes off in my frantic attempt to shake myself free from the thugs. 'Gran?' A large bark echoes around the cold house. "Bruno!" I call out to my licky companion. Gran had strongly disapproved of him, but she finally caved in when she saw how desperate my parents were for some care for me.

 Bruno was the kind of dog who NEVER looked sad, but now  his eyes were begging. "where have you been? Odd things are happening! I patted his brown and white spotted head and  sighed. The officer has his radio to his ear. He's calling for backup. Then, he gently sits me down in Gran's shabby-green arm chair. I'm shaky and pale. All I wanted was for mum and dad to come home. Suddenly I felt guilty. They may have treated me like a little kid, but they were kind and supportive. 

Minutes later multiple police cars are pulled up outside Gran's front yard. I wince as the blue and white checkered mobile runs straight over Gran's prize tulips. But that's the least of my worries. A half hour of feeling sick and searching passed, but Gran wasn't to be seen. "Well you'll have to stay a night at the police station", the kind officer said at last. "Can I take Bruno" "Erm, well" "please?" "Oh alright,".  

Gran was missing.  I had been kidnapped. I was staying at the Police Station.  A crazy day! Boy how I wished for my parents...

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