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Nine Years Ago

The church bells were ringing. Klaia twisted away from where her handmaiden, Illia, was braiding the last of her hair, pressing her face against the cool glass of the window. On a nice day, you could see the port from her bedroom, but the clouds were low in the sky, reminiscent of the early morning snow that glittered on the streets below. Frost clung to the edges of the window, melting as her breath glided across the pane. The bells meant that someone important had arrived at the port.

"Your highness," Illia murmured from behind her, "Hayrat and I must finish making you presentable before the royal family arrives at Dawnton."

Klaia glanced backward, and with a sigh impressive of an eight-year-old, obliged Illia to finish her hair, as her apprentice Hayrat worked on untying the fine outerwear laid on her bed. In a flurry of activity, Illia hosted her upwards, wrapping the thick winter skirt around her dress, and went on tying it in the back. The skirt was made of thick leather, lined with fine and warm fur of white and greys. The outside was adorned with blue and lavender silk strips at her waist, with embroidery of the same hues etched into the leather in geometric patterns, with pearls and beads and amethyst amongst the design. Hayrat grabbed her hands, slipping on thick mittens before wrapping furred straps around Klaia's wrists, sealing her hands inside. Tall boots matching the design of her skirt were yanked on over the top of woolen socks and laced up to under her knees. Finally, the matching coat was slipped on, the end reaching down to the tops of her knees. Illia arranged her hair under the coat, looping the front of the coat together shut, pulling up the neck cover, and sealing it into place. In one final motion, the large furred hood was pulled up over the top of her head, giving Klaia a halo of white and grey fur, and leaving only her small face peeking out amongst the clothing.

As Illia made the finishing touches, a knock sounded at the door, quickly followed by Inan making his way into her room.

"Inan!" Klaia cried cheerfully, rushing forwards to meet her brother, "Is it time to go?"

Inan let out a deep chuckle, representative of his ascent into puberty, and grabbed Klaia's hand, "It is snowbean, I believe the royal family will be here in the next half hour."

Taking his hand, Klaia and Inan exited the room, weaving their way throughout the castle halls, towards the main entrance of Dawnton. Klaia babbled to her older brother, excitedly explaining all the things she wanted to show the royal family.

Inan smiled, "Klaia, I'm sure they would be honored to see your favorite places, but not tonight. Remember, they traveled from south of the Enmark Sea and have had a very long journey. Tonight will be just formalities and dinner."

Klaia slumped at that. It was always about formalities.

Picking up on his younger sister's dejection, Inan whispered in her ear. "Though I've been doing a lot of research about the royal family, and their heir is about your age, a princess."

Klaia's eyes widened in excitement, "Really? Do you think she'll play with me?"

"Absolutely," Inan said, a smile in his voice.

The duo continued towards the main doors in silence. Inan strode forwards with the elegance hammered into him as the crown prince, while Klaia bumbled next to him, half skipping with the innocence only a child could portray. Inan's lips were set in a grim line as if he was about to face a battle rather than greet guests to the castle. As they grew closer, Inan slowed, seemingly nervous about the impending introductions.

He stopped, yanking Klaia by the arm towards him. She let out a protest at the jarring movement but quieted when she saw the serious look on Inan's face.

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