Chapter 2

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" What shall be done with him, my lords? " Said Jane, a member of the volturi. She looked upto his elder, Edward Cullen who was gifted with the ability of mind reading.

Edward read the mind of the man standing infront of him and came to the conclusion that he was a threat to their coven.

" Execute him. " That's all what was needed. Jane, another gifted vampire used her ability to kill someone just by looking at them. She was one of the many weapons volturi had, making them the strongest coven.

Jane looked at that vampire and said, " Pain. " In her cold voice. The vampire yelped in pain, veins easily traceable on his neck, when a guard Demitri stepped in and hit his neck hard enough for it to break down and fall on the floor.

" Was that really necessary brother? " Said Emmett another  elder asked his brother.

Edward looked him in the eye and nodded. " He would have been a threat to our kind. " Edward slowly walked on the stairs, taking seat with next to his brother.

" That was boring. " Jasper said with an eye roll in a low voice so that only his brothers and no one else could hear him. For this he earned a chuckle from both Emmett and Edward.

They might have been the elders of the strongest vampire coven. Elders were the oldest and wisest vampires. Edward was wise, Emmett was strong and Jasper was a mixture of both. The three of them were together ever since the beginning, when they were transformed into vampires.

" I assume we're done for today. " Emmett said with a sigh as he stood up with all of his guards bowed their heads. Edward and Jasper following him.

Their chambers were huge and they were next to each other, in case, they ever felt like talking to someone they can talk to eachother.

Indeed, they hadany followers who would listen to them, only listen, they won't dare to advice them out of fear and sometimes out of respect.

Once they were in their chambers, since no one was around Jasper said with a huge sigh, " Alice called. "

Other two elders were shocked at hearing that name after so long. Jasper waited for his brothers to settle.

" And? " Emmett was the first one who spoke. " She wanted us to come to Forks. " Jasper stated. " Did she saw something? " Edward questioned.

Jasper exhaled," Yes. She saw the him, the one who we were looking for so long. " Both, Edward and Emmett's eyes widened.

" How do we know that Carlise isn't behind this? " Edward questioned. " That's why, I thought that I should go alone and find what's the truth. " Jasper said.

" No, you won't go alone. " Emmett protested. " I had to, we need to know whether he is real or not and what do we have to lose? If I find that Carlise is behind this, I'll return, till then you both will lead volturi. I know it's risky but c'mon think about this, we all have felt that empty space in our lives that can't be filled. " Jasper explained.

" No it still doesn't feel right, Edward tell him." Emmett protested, looking up at Edward for his help, to convince Jasper not to do something reckless.

Edward turned to Emmett, " I think we should give it a shot. I know that it might be a trap laid by Carlise or it might be truth. There's no way we would ever know unless we try. Jasper can go but not alone you will take Dimitri with you. Now, I don't wanna hear anymore protest from with of you. Am I understood? "

Both Jasper and Emmett nodded their heads, they knew that it would be stupid to go against Edward. " I'll leave tomorrow. I better let Dimitri know about this  "  Jasper stated.

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