Lost & Found | Mj

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forbidden love mj x fem reader? ☺️ -Anon

Pairings: Mj x Fem!Reader
Featuring: Your parents, Carl (the security dude)
Summary: it's forbidden in your species (were dragon) to be in love with a human. but you cant help who you fall in love with.
WARNINGS: this is super angsty, your father being a total douchebag, threats, blackmailing, heartbreak, stalking, might be some spelling errors, not on a PC or laptop on a tablet though.
Word Count: 1372
NOTE: I might be obsessed with dragons and were dragons now after finishing fire & heist.

You knew you were risking a lot, falling in love with a human was forbidden in your species, the were-dragons, believed that being with a human is impure and that it would imbalance offspring. If anyone found out you were dating a human, you would be disowned, or tortured or worse killed or banished. But you didn't care, you loved Mj with all your heart and you weren't going to break up with her because your species forbid it, besides rules were made to be broken...

Mj swung yours and her hand back and forth, as Mj and you walked to the oval field.

"I want to meet your parents." She announced, making you stop walking. Your eyes going wide.

Mj turned around when she realized you weren't moving anymore.

"What's wrong? Don't you want me to meet your parents?" Mj asked, noticing your conflicted expression. You slight winched before answering her.

"I do, it's just they..." You started to respond, but Mj cut you off.

"Don't know you're a lesbian?" Mj injected, raising her eyebrows.

"Well, kind of yeah, but they are stuck up and rich, and just stuck up." You spoke.

"So... What's the problem with that?" Mj questioned.

"I just don't want you to think differently of me, because of that, or what they say." You replied.

"I fell in love with you, y/n, I don't care what they say at all about our relationship, it won't change the love I have for you, at the end of the day it's you and me." Mj responded.

"They are horrible people though, Mj, I don't want them to hurt you or insult you." You whined, pouting at her. Mj gave you a sad smile.

"Then I won't meet them just yet, if it upsets you, though one day I will have to." Mj replied, moving closer to you, taking a hold of your hands, interlacing her fingers with yours. Staring deeply into your eyes.

"Thank you, and I know." You spoke quietly, staring at her.

"Though you do have to make it up to me. I'm thinking movies and heaps of ice cream and chocolate." She declared, tilting her head to the side, and giving you puppy dog eyes.

"Deal." You giggled, making Mj smile.

She leaned forward her lips touching yours softly. Mj and you both smiled into the kiss.

Little did you and Mj know that someone was watching, while taking photos of both of you.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, little y/n, you are in big trouble." The guy spoke, before fleeing the scene, before someone noticed him. The guy quickly went to your parents' house...

Your father was typing loudly on his laptop keyboard, when he heard a knock at the door, then an ahem.

He looked up to see one of his security men, he hired standing there, a yellow envelope in his hand.

"What is it Carl?" Your father asked, his attention going back to the laptop screening.

"It's about y/n." He spoke.

MCU+DC X READER [𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃]Where stories live. Discover now