Soul Eater- Turn up the volume!

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Requests are open ^_^. I don't write when I get a request, I write when I want to, not when I get a request, so I will update probably more often then I get requests (I doubt I'll get any, that's why I'm doing it this way). I will take Requests for AU and any ships you want to be sailed. I don't do lemons or smuts so please don't ask.


The gang were hanging out at an ice cream shop near their favorite Death Bucks. Patty and Black⭐️Star were ordering, and the rest of them got into a debate. "No way, Black⭐️️Star is definitely louder then Patty. He has to have something to match his ego." Soul argued

"Patty would definitely win, have you ever heard how loud she gets when she loses her giraffe stuffed animal?" Liz shudders. Everyone else gets a giant sweat drop. "Not fun, let me tell you." "Why don't they have a contest?" Tsubaki suggested. Everyone turned to look at her. "I mean, why wonder about it anymore? Just tell Black⭐️️Star that if he loses then Patty is bigger then him. Tell Patty that she gets a real giraffe if she wins."

"But if Patty loses she'll get all upset..." Liz muttered. "Oh, I guess we can't do it then..." Tsubaki sighed. Maka looked up from her book. The cover read "To Kill a Mockingbird." She bookmarked the page, then carefully shut it closed. "What's this? Maka closed a book and not to Maka Chop someone?!?! Amazing-" Soul teased. A tick mark appeared Maka's forehead. "Makaaaaaa-" She began. "Oh no what have I done?" "CHOP!"

Soul lay on the ground bleeding and Maka continued. "What I was going to say before I was interrupted," She shot a glare at Soul, who flinched. "Was why not say they tied, and keep the real results to ourselves?" "That's a good idea, Maka!" Liz grinned. "What's a good idea? If it involves me then of course it's a good idea! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" Black⭐️️Star appeared.

"We were actually discussing you." Kid responded. "Of course you were! Everyone wants to talk about the almighty Black⭐️Star!" Sweat drops appeared on everyone's forehead. "Maka was suggesting a contest between you and Patty actually." Kid said. "YAHOOOO! I'll destroy you Patty!" "Huh? What's going on, big sis?" "You're going to have a contest with Black⭐️Star to see whose louder."

"Oh, sounds like fun!" "Black⭐️️Star, if you lose to Patty then smaller then her. Patty, if you win we-we'll buy you a giraffe. A real one." Kid shuddered at the thought of such an asymmetrical creature. "Patty, you'll be crushed by my utter loudness! YAHOOOO! Your great god Black⭐️️️Star will conquer all!"


Maka had attached a microphone that measured waves(Sound waves, not water). She and everyone else sat in a soundproof room where they could observe both Patty and Black⭐️Star in comfort. They decided to put a soundproof wall in between the two contestants so their ears didn't break. Also, all of them were wearing earplugs.

"Are you ready? Start making some noise!" Soul yelled through the microphone that went to both their places. Patty and Black⭐️️️Star began to yell very loud. So loud, that the could hear it THROUGH the sound-proof walls. Everybody winced and covered their ears. "Stop yelling! We know who won!" Tsubaki said though the microphone. Immediately they both stopped and everyone released thief ears in relief.

"Who won?" Patty asked. "Do I get my giraffe now?" "Yes, Patty. It was tie. Since we can't handle anymore of your screaming we stopped the contest," Kid exchanged a look with the others. "So, Black⭐️️️Star, you're the biggest star around-" "HELL YEAH, YOU KNOW IT!" "And Patty you get your giraffe." Kid continued as if he hadn't been interrupted.

Only Maka knew who really won. Patty's giraffe was to be in a jungle-like garden right behind Kid's Mansion. Black⭐️️️Star was yelling about how great he was. Maka, Soul, Kid, Liz, and Tsubaki went to Soul and Maka's house. "Who won the contest?" Soul asked as soon as they got home.

"Patty did, but only by a little bit. She really wanted that giraffe." Maka responded. "Told you so!" Liz said triumphantly to Soul. He huffed. "It doesn't matter, I'm still a cool guy." Maka giggled silently. All was well and normal. Well, as normal as it could get in Death City.

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