Soul Eater- Scythe part 3 (Alternate Ending)

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Much request. Such late. So promise breaking. Very sorry. Wow.

Soul's POV:

I help Stein carry Maka to the hospital. It's just down the road so there is no need for an emergency vehicle, it would just be slower. And more agonizing. I can't bear to see her in so much pain.

Her breathing is slower then normal and she seems to be dying. "Maka! No! Hold on, it would be uncool of you to die on me like this!" I beg her unconscious body. Damn it, an emergency vehicle would've been much faster.

What if by slowing her trip to the hospital down, I make her chances if living disappear? No, I can't think like that. I have to be strong, for Maka.


I'm sitting outside the room where Maka is being held. I hold my head in my hands. What if my cute, adorable miester dies? My mind races frantically when I realize that I love her.

The way she screws up her face when she's mad, and chops me with a book. The way she smiles at me when we've defeated another soul. The way that she gets so focused when reading a book.

I love everything about her, and I'm afraid to lose her. No, not afraid, absolutely petrified. I try not to shake in my seat as I wait for the doctor to appear.

"Mr.Evans?" I inwardly wince at my lat name. I turn to look at the doctor in front of me. "Y-Yeah?" I ask, trying not to let my voice shake. "Mrs. Albern is going to be fine. You can see her now."

I almost cry out in pure joy. My Maka is going to be okay! And I can see her! I walk into the room quietly, noticing a steady heartbeat on the heart monitor. I'm so glad that its steady. I take in the room until at last my eyes land on Maka.

I walk to her side and sit in a chair right next to her bed. I kiss her forehead while she is seeming asleep, out of pure affection and love. I jump when I hear her tired voice.

"You know, it's uncool to miss." She croaks. "What?" I asked. She gets a certain twinkle in her eye and pulls me down so I can feel her breath on my face. We are not even an inch apart, I could feel a blush appear on my checks and my heart rate pick up.

"I said you missed." And with that, she pulled me down entirely and we kissed.

The end~

There a happy ending :3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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