Soul Eater- Scythe part 2

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As requested, part two! Enjoy! (Hint of SoMa)

After an exhausting walk to Gallows Mansion, I remember that I'm covered in blood and have a knife sticking out of me. I hide the knife under my cloak(it went through my shirt), straightened up, smiled the best smile I could muster and walked in. "Sorry I'm late! I just finished my homework!" I grinned and looked at everyone's guilty looks. "Hey what's going on?" I asked. "Nothing!" They all said at once.

I frowned, they were obviously lying, but I was too, so I shrugged it off. "What happened?" Soul asked her worriedly, pointing out my injuries. "Huh? Oh this! Oops, you caught me! I was secretly at a book convention and I got picked to be a zombie. Hold on, let me clean this up." I smiled at them and hurried into the bathroom. Once inside I collapsed tiredly against the door. Better get myself cleaned up...
Group's POV:
"If she was supposed to be a zombie, she looks nothing like Sid." Black☆Star pointed out. "She should've invited me, I'd be the god of the costume party book convention thingy. YAHOOOOOOO!" "That probably why she didn't invite you." Liz sweat dropped "She couldn't stand your volume." They argued and talked for a good thirty minutes.

The bathroom door opened and everyone turned to see Maka come out of the bathroom. Soul was the only one to notice that she was limping. "I'm really tired, so I think I should go home and study." Maka yawned. "Aw come on Maka, come and celebrate with your god! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-" Black☆Star was cut off with a Maka Chop to the head. It didn't affect him at all.

"Anyway," Maka continued steam coming out of her nose. "I'll be going now, see you later." Maka walked confidently out and closed the door quickly. "I hope Maka's alright." Tsubaki said worriedly. "She'll be fine." Soul responded, but he looked worried.
Maka's POV:

I as quickly as possible cleaned my healing wounds. Even as quickly as I could, it was a slow, painful process. The knife was still in my side, it burned. It needed to come out and be properly cleaned. I rummaged through Kid's medicine supplies. There wasn't much, but I grabbed guaze, and a lot of paper towels.

I stuffed a towel in my mouth and carefully took out the knife. The towel muffled my scream off pain, mostly. Chatter outside the door died down, but then picked back up a few minutes later. Breathing heavily, I wrapped the gauze around me tightly. It mostly stopped the bleeding. I changed out of the bloody clothes I was wearing, and washed it off in the shower.

I then painfully put my clothes back on, and walked out of the bathroom. I winced as I stood up, my injury made me limp. I limped until I got to everyone else, where I stood up straight and confidently walked towards everyone else. It hurt terribly. "I'm really tired, I think I should go home and study." I fake yawned.

"Aw come on Maka, come and celebrate with your god! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA-" I cut his annoying laughter off with a weaker-then-normal Maka Chop to the head. "Anyway, I'll be going now, see you later." I walked as confidently as I could without falling until I was outside, where I collapsed on Kid's doorstep, panting with exhaustion. A sheen of sweat was visible on my forehead, and I felt light headed.

How was I going to make it to Soul and I's apartment? I rested for a bit, then forced myself slowly onto my feet. My legs were shaking and my hands gripped the stair railing as if my life depended on it. I forced myself to take a step forward and collapsed again. I heard the door open.

"Yeah I'll see you later-Maka!" Soul's surprised gasp sounded. "I-I'll be fine." I grasped the railing and pulled myself up, causing me too fall again. I think the knife hit a vital organ or something, because damn this hurts. "No you're not fine. It's not cool to lie to your partner like that." Soul lifted me up, I had never noticed how strong he was before...

I winced when he accidentally brushed against my wound. He looked at me suspiciously as he carried me inside and laid me down on the couch. "Maka!" Liz gasped "I thought she went home an hour ago, sis." Patty responded. An hour ago? And I only got to the third step? "I'll be-gasp-fine guys." I panted, trying to sit up.

Soul gently pushed me back down. "Let's take a good look at that wound." I was too tired to protest. He gently life's ,y shirt a little bit to see the guaze. It was dripping with blood. Even Kid looked worried. "I-I'll be-" I tried to sit up only to be pushed down again. "No Maka! You're not okay! Your wound is serious and I'm honestly surprised you're conscious right now!" Soul angrily said.

I had been fighting consciousness for the past hour, I was slowly losing. "I-I'm sorry Soul." I panted barely awake. Kid returned, he had apparently called Stein. I don't remember him leaving. "Maka, stay awake. Stay awake! STAY AWAKE!" Soul almost screamed at me, he was being held back by Black☆Star. I mentally apologized to Soul as I slipped into unconsciousness.

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