Chapter XV - Cat & Mouse

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In the days that followed, Stain and his Acolytes prepared themselves for battle. Soon enough, the Spectres received intel about Jerec's location. As Stain and his Acolytes meditated, they were approached by Kanan and Ezra.

Kanan: Hera just received intel on Jerec's location. He's overseeing an Imperial Weapons Factory.

Stain: Then we must move on the traitor. He must be purged.

Kanan: He's not our main objective. Intel says the Empire's working on something called the Power Guard Enhancement System. Our job is to find out what it is and shut it down.

As Kanan said this, Stan became silent. The Rebel's fight against the Empire didn't matter to him. All that mattered was his mission to purge the Galaxy of False Jedi. In that particular moment, all Stain cared for was the chance to strike down his former master. 

Stain: My Acolytes and I shall accompany you and your team in this mission, Jedi. Our Lightsabers shall strike down our mutual enemies. But if we see Jerec, we will strike him down. 

Kanan: If your crusade endangers this mission or my comrades, I'll....  

Stain: It is the natural order of the Galaxy. The weak and the corrupt must be purged if the Force is to maintain balance. 

As Stain said this, Kanan became concerned. He was concerned that Stain's dedication to his crusade would endanger the mission and his allies. However, Kanan fully understood that he needed Stain and his Acolytes for the mission to succeed. The feeling was mutual as Stain fully understood that he needed Kanan and his allies to get close to Jerec. It was clear that things were tense between Stain and Kanan. 

Stain: We will aid you in your mission to shut down the Power Guard. Our goals align. You wish to see the Empire destroyed and I wish to cleanse the Force of the dark cancer that taints it. But in the meantime, we can work together. 

As Stain said this, Kanan was hesitant to trust Stain. It was clear that Order 66 had a drastic effect on the Jedi formerly known as Stendhal. Ever since meeting Stain, Kanan wondered how his own life would have turned out had things been different. 

Kanan: We'll be reaching the Imperial Weapons Factory soon. Get ready to move out. 

Stain: Understood. 

As Kanan and Ezra left the room, Stain took a moment to ponder the situation. In that moment, Stain felt as if Jerec was within his grasp. 

Stain: Jinx. O-Mer. Our target is within our grasp. Soon we will purge my former master. 

Jinx: We are with you, Stain.

O-Mer: What will we do next? What about Kanan Jarrus? 

Stain: I sense that Kanan is a true Jedi. I do not sense the taint of the Dark Side within him. It seems that he is among the few Jedi worthy of that title. Once we have dispatched Jerec, we will depart and continue our crusade and purge the weak and corrupt from the Galaxy. 

As Stain said this, Jinx and O-Mer reaffirmed their loyalty and devotion to Stain and his ideology. Ever since they joined up with Stain, they felt as if they now served a higher calling. They felt as if they were doing genuine good for the Galaxy. 

Jinx: We are with you till the end, Stain. 

O-Mer: We will not fail you. 

Stain felt great pride in his Acolytes. Their devotion to the cause was made clear to Stain. 

Stain: You both truly servants of the Force. What you are doing now is a great service to the Force. While most will never understand it, we are the necessary evil that the Galaxy needs. 

With that, Stain and his Acolytes prepared themselves for the mission to the Imperial Weapons Factory to shut down the Power Guard Enhancement System program. Meanwhile at that very same weapons factory, Jerec was speaking to the lead Imperial Scientist.

Imperial Scientist: We are proceeding ahead of schedule, High Inquisitor.

Jerec: Let us hope the Power Guards are as impressive as you say. It would be most unfortunate if this project turned out to be waste of time and resources.

Imperial Scientist: I can assure you that the Power Guards will exceed all expectations. Based on reports dating back to the days of the Old Republic, the Power Guards are more than capable of serving the Empire.

Jerec: For your sake, I hope you are right. The Empire had put a lot of time and resources into this project.

As Jerec said that, the Imperial scientist leads Jerec into an observation room. They watched as a Power Guard demolished an advanced training droid.

Imperial Scientist: As you can see, the extensive cybernetics and adrenal stims have created the perfect soldier.

Jerec: Fascinating.

Imperial Scientist: And each Power Guard is installed with an inhibitor chip to ensure their loyalty to the Empire. They will prove invaluable servants to the Empire, High Inquisitor.

Jerec: Very well. Continue your experiments. Prepare all available Power Guards for field testing. I want to see these Power Guards for myself.

Imperial Scientist: As you wish, High Inquisitor. I can assure you that the Power Guards will exceed your expectations.

With that, the Imperial scientists continued working on the Power Project. As for Jerec, he would simply observe. Knowing Stain would inevitability seek him out, Jerec would wait patiently until his former apprentice makes his move.

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