Chapter XVIII - The Long Awaited Duel

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This was the moment that Stain had been waiting for. His former master was now in front of him. Stain was more than ready to strike down his former master in the name of his crusade. As Jerec assumed the opening stance of Makashi, Stain readied his two crimson Lightsabers while Jinx and O-Mer stood by Stain's side with their Lightsabers ignited.

Jerec: It is a shame it must end this way, Stendhal. You were a magnificent apprentice.

Stain: The time for talk has long passed, Jerec. For too long, your existence has tainted the Force. It is my duty to cleanse the Force of your existence.

As Stain said that, he and his Acolytes assumed combative stances. Stain never once took his eyes off of Jerec. Jerec showed no emotion as he switched up his stance.

Jerec: And now it begins. 

Stain: No, Jerec. Now it ends. 

Without hesitation, Stain charged at Jerec with near blinding speed. Jinx and O-Mer launched a coordinated attack with Jinx going for an overhead strike while O-Mer went to attack Jerec's blind side. The attacks failed as Jerec was able to defend himself from coordinated attack from the Dark Jedi. Stain was the ultimate aggressor as he attacked Jerec with relentless attacks while Jinx and O-Mer covered Stain's flanks. Despite the numbers being against him, Jerec was able to hold his own. 

Jerec: Most impressive, Stendhal. You would've made a fine Inquisitor. 

Stain: I serve a higher purpose, Jerec. I serve the will of the Force. 

Stain once more lunges at Jerec and the two engage in a fierce and intense Lightsaber duel. Jerec maintains a strong defense as he studies Stain's movements, looking for any weakness to exploit. As Jerec defends himself against the Dark Jedi, he quickly pinpoints a weakness in both Jinx and O-Mer. He quickly isolates Stain by gripping him with the Force and throws him against the wall, taking him out of the fight. Jerec then focuses on Jinx and O-Mer. 

Jerec: How would your masters feel if they saw you both on the dark path?

Jinx: You have no right to speak of our masters! 

Jerec: How interesting? How did two promising young Jedi find themselves be led by a fallen Jedi?

O-Mer: Stain has given us a purpose! 

Jerec: A purpose you say? Interesting. 

Jerec then begins dueling Jinx and O-Mer. Despite their training from Stain, the two Dark Jedi were no match for Jerec as he quickly gains the upper hand. Meanwhile, Stain slowly recovers from Jerec's earlier attack. He soon sees Jerec fighting against his Acolytes. Back in the fight, Jerec continues to duel against Jink and O-Mer. It wasn't long before Jerec overpowered them. 

Jerec: This fight is over. You cannot hope to win. 

Despite being outclassed by the High Inquisitor, Jinx and O-Mer held their ground. Jerec couldn't help but respect them. 

Jerec: It seems you have inherited Stendhal's convictions. A shame they have led you to your deaths. 

Jinx: Do your worst, Inquisitor! 

O-Mer: Kill us as you wish, you will not defy the will of the Force!

Jinx and O-Mer readied their Lightsabers to fight Jerec. As they charged at Jerec, the High Inquisitor parries their attacks and lands fatal strikes on the two. Before he could finish them off, Stain attacks Jerec and the two resume their duel. 

Jerec: The conviction you have instilled in your acolytes are most impressive, Stendhal.

Stain: Jinx and O-Mer were good soldiers. They honored me and they honored the mission. I will honor them with your death!

Stain then used the Force to grip several large pieces of debris and throws them at Jerec, but Jerec was able block the debris. Despite Stain's tenacity, Jerec proved a difficult opponent.

Jerec: Have you forgotten that I have taught you everything you know, Stendhal? Up until now, I have been but playing with you. But this contest have run it's course. 

In that moment, Jerec altered his stance and assumed a more aggressive fighting style. The pacing of the fight changed as Stain and Jerec clashed blades. As the fight dragged on, Jerec slowly began to gain the upper hand on Stain as he put him on the defense. As Stain and Jerec fought, Jinx and O-Mer slowly got up. They could feel their strength leaving them.

O-Mer: Jinx....we...we don't have much time.....

Jinx: We Stain....

Jinx and O-Mer used their remaining strength to get up. They grabbed their Lightsabers and set their eyes on Jerec who finally overpowered Stain. 

Jerec: Goodbye, Stendhal. 

As Jerec moved to finish off Stain, Jinx and O-Mer impaled Jerec from behind. Seizing the opportunity, Stain fatally impaled Jerec. As Stain dealt the fatal blow, Stain checked on Jinx and O-Mer. 

Stain: have served the Force well....

With that, Jinx and O-Mer died, giving their lives for Stain and his cause. Stain soon walked over to they dying Jerec and readied his Lightsabers. 

Stain: By the right of the Jedi, by the will of the Force, I hereby sentence you, Jerec to death for your crimes against the Force.

As Stain raised his Lightsabers to execute Jerec, Jerec laughed. 

Jerec: You idea what is coming your way. 

As Stain said that, he felt a dark presence nearby. Despite this, Stain kept his eyes on Jerec. 

Jerec: Kill me or let me live. Either way, we will both die.....

Without hesitation, Stain cuts down his former master. Stain took the moment to savor this kill. Of all the false Jedi he killed, Jerec was the most satisfying. But this was soon interrupted as the sound of mechanical breathing. Stain turned around to see Darth Vader standing before him. In that moment, Stain found himself face to face with the Dark Lord of the Sith and the fist of the Empire. 

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