Chapter VIII - A Higher Calling

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After killing Barriss Offee, Stain continues his crusade to purge the false Jedi from the Galaxy. His crusade claims the lives of countless Jedi who Stain deemed as unworthy. However, Stain's slaughter of these Jedi did not go unnoticed. On the Outer Rim world of Raxus Prime, Stain was hunting for a Jedi when he was confronted by two Imperial Inquisitors. One was a human man while the other was a Twi'lek female.

Human Inquisitor: I am the Eleventh Brother. This is the Twelfth Sister. We have been looking for you.

Stain: Have you come to kill me?

Twelfth Sister: No. We wish to offer you a place within the Inquisitorious. Your Jedi killing abilities are truly formidable. The Dark Side is strong within you.

As the two Inquisitors extended their offer to Stain, the Jedi Killer remained silent. He simply glared at them with anger in his eyes.

Stain: Valtu Jathek. Beska Sharis.

Upon hearing those names being muttered by Stain, the two Inquisitors became uneasy as they placed their hands on their Lightsabers.

Stain: You have disgraced the Jedi Order. You have sided with the Sith and betrayed our brothers and sisters.

Twelfth Sister: That's rich coming from you, Jedi Killer. You've killed as much Jedi as we have. What's the difference between you and us? 

Stain: You mistaken me, Sith scum. I killed no Jedi. No true Jedi shall fall before me. I killed only frauds and traitors who have sullied the Jedi. They are an affront to the Force! You are the worst of these scum! You forsake your Jedi vows and align yourself with the Sith!

Eleventh Brother: Listen to reason, Jedi Killer. The Jedi are no more. Help us hunt them and you could achieve a power greater than you ever could. 

Stain looked upon the Inquisitors with anger and hatred in his eyes. He then pulled out his Lightsabers and activated their crimson blades. 

Stain: You have committed an unspeakable act of sacrilege. Your very existence is an insult to the Force. No matter what you want to accomplish, it is necessary to have conviction and desire. those without it and those who are weak will be weeded out. It's only natural. that's why you're about to die.

Without hesitation, Stain lunged for the two Inquisitors. The Inquisitors were able to get a hold of their double bladed spinning Lightsabers and blocked his attacks. 

Twelfth Sister: Very well, Jedi Killer. You have chosen death.

Stain soon engaged in a heated duel with the two Inquisitors. Stain proved very fast for the Inquisitors. They were barely able to keep up with his frenzied attacks. During the brawl, Stain managed to break through the Twelfth Sister's defenses and decapitated her. The Eleventh Brother was caught off guard by this. 

Eleventh Brother: (What?! How did he kill one of us so quickly?!)

The quick death of the Twelfth Brother threw the Inquisitor off his game as Stain continued to batter the Inquisitor. 

Stain: There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force. 

As Stain recited the Jedi Code, the Eleventh Brother attempts to blindside Stain, but the Dark Jedi was able to easily read the Inquisitor's movements. 

Stain: There is no escape, Inquisitor. Your life was over the moment you betrayed our order. Your life was over the moment you sided with our ancient enemy. Your sins have left a stain upon the very fabric of the Force. I shall be the unforgiving blade of vengeance. I will be the one who purges all traitors to the Jedi and destroy the Sith so that the Force may finally be cleansed of the Dark Side!

A fire soon lit up inside Stain as he lunged at the Eleventh Brother and began to unleash an array of devastating attacks on the Inquisitor. The Eleventh Brother was barely able to keep up. Eventually, Stain cut through the Inquisitor's Lightsaber. He then follows through by severing both his right arm and his left leg. The Eleventh Brother collapses to the ground as he cries out in pain. Stain took no pity as the Inquisitor attempts to crawl away. 

Stain: Coward...traitor...your kind shall be purged. 

Eleventh Brother: P...please! Mercy! Mercy! I beg of you!

Stain: This is the fate you deserve. You are weak. The Force must be cleansed of your filth. By the right of the Jedi, by the will of the Force, I hereby sentence you, Valtu Jathek to death for your crimes against the Force.

Without hesitation, Stain plunges his two Lightsabers into the chest of the Eleventh Brother. Once more, Stain had killed more false Jedi. 

Stain: There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony. There is no death, there is the Force.

As Stain recited the Jedi Code, he reflects on his crusade. He had made a name for himself as a Jedi Killer, but this was only the beginning. Stain would not stop until every false Jedi was purged from the Galaxy. Stain would continue his righteous crusade against the false Jedi no matter the consequences. In his mind, this bloodshed was necessary for the Force to be purified. For Stain, this was a higher calling worthy to embark on. 

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