The Escape Part One

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*new jersey was just puling you *

Oriskany : ugh w-were am i ?? 

new jersey : hello~ *she's a lolicon of aircraft carriers because the Iowa class was mostly used fore aa fire or artillery support *
Oriskany:uh uh *starts runing away at 22 knots trying to escape the carrier adict battle ship *
*New Jersey then shots a tranquilicer dart*
Oriskany: haha bich I'm inmune because I'm broquen * sails getting away
New Jersey : aw maaan  :(
Oriskany: *sigh* that was close but now to a big base in the ibéric peninsula
3 hours later
Oriskany : ughhhhhhh I'm bored and sad I had to temporaly remove metal from one of my planes *sonar ping 4 carriers* now what?
Essex pov
'we were looking fore the misterios carrier they said it looked like me hot with a strange deck and coving tower
Me Intrepid shangri-la and bunker_hill are looking for him? I still don't belive "he's" a male then we spot the ship I didn't believe it's still floating we were closing in we saw the number a 34 that meant one thing
Shangri-la: it's an essex?!?!?
Bunker:w-what? HOW??
*the girls heard something berry worrying
??? *coughing badly*
Intrepid: a male??
Essex:holy frick
??? : h-huh? Oh crap *cough* full speed ahead *the boat speed but the sisters unfortunately were in
3 days later
He aribed
Essex : shhh
Intrepid: sorry
Oriskany: finally a ship yard
*they heard doors close *
Oriskany : and now to start fixing
*The sisters Co to the forest to spy on him*
3 hours later

new jersey : hello~ *she's a lolicon of aircraft carriers because the Iowa class was mostly used fore aa fire or artillery support *Oriskany:uh uh *starts runing away at 22 knots trying to escape the carrier adict battle ship * *New Jersey then sh...

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He removed all and he removed the rust and lifts 
Essex *waking up* wait what?!?!
Intrepid: what? Huh? !!!
Oriskany: pwef OK the landing is still uncompleted and my F4U Corsairs
Are all ready sends 10 corsairs to patrol
Oriskany: now to the landing pad starts fixing more before going to sleep

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