The Mix-Up; Danny's Idea for a Song

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Now here, Danny takes it in stride when he informs Becky that he knows there was some talk about her becoming producer of "Wake Up, San Francisco" since he hasn't been doing much, and says it's fine with him if she wants the job; Becky tells him that wasn't it, but thanks him anyway.

This is different from the Season 8 episode The Producer, where Danny does get jealous and initially denies it, but then asks if feeling bugged because Becky got promoted and he didn't meant he was jealous; Joey explains that everybody gets jealous. Danny then admits it stung when Becky got promoted over him, but he has to accept it, and he will as he knows she'll do a great job; Becky thanks him for the encouragement. 

"I wasn't mad at you," Danny admits to Becky. "I think I just went a little nuts because I got passed over in front of Michelle." He then turns to Michelle and adds, "I wanted her to be proud of me."

Michelle then asks if she can read him her report, and Danny says he'd love that, and also apologizes for not listening to it earlier. Michelle's report shows Danny that she is proud of him, and he thanks her.


"All right, this is living," Danny said a few hours later as they prepared to start playing the gig they'd booked.

Jesse looked oddly at Danny. "Danny, wake up and smell the dirt. That motel hadn't been cleaned in ten years, and Eats has been closed for almost that long."

"Hey, that's okay, Jess. This is what band members do. It's totally rad," Danny said, giving Jesse an obvious headache. "Is something wrong?"

"Yeah, I got a headache from the temporal distortion of you sounding like you're in a band from the 1970s. Mildew," Jesse finished sarcastically. He and Danny argued back and forth for a couple minutes about the strange image Danny was projecting with a name like Mildew.

Becky had just finished having a talk with Jesse about how he was so different compared to how he was when he was having fun touring with the Rippers and the bands he previously had. Now, she turned to Danny while Joey watched the twins. "Danny, don't you think you're taking this a little too far?"

"Not really. Why?"

"Danny, I can understand where Jesse's coming from — it used to be his life. And, he's different now. But, you — I'm surprised you're not cleaning everything."

"Hey, it's fun to live on the edge a little," Danny said. "Although, I'm a little worried the showers aren't going to be too hot."

"Danny, I know you've been having fun here. And, I've been okay with covering for you some when it comes to preparing for our show..."

"Oh, yeah, by the way, I know there was some talk about you becoming producer since I haven't been doing much. If you want the job, that's fine with me. I'll be happy just playing in the band here, and having fun."

"Well, that's not it... but thanks. Anyway..."

"Hey, Mildew, we've got a situation here," Jesse interrupted.

"Oh, hey, be right back, Becky. What is it, Jess?"

Jesse explained about the mix-up — the owner of Manny's Motel, the establishment where they were scheduled to play at, had planned on polka music; they'd booked the wrong band somehow.

"Oh, fine." Danny stayed calm. "If they want an accordion, I'll try to figure it out. Hey, you know, I always had this really neat idea for a polka; maybe we can use it."

Jesse looked oddly at him. "You wanted to write a polka?" He had trouble imagining Danny writing music at all, but a polka?

"Sure. You know how our eleventh president was named James K. Polk? Well, maybe you don't since you didn't like paying attention in school, Jess, but he was. And, I always thought, wouldn't it be cool if there was a polka called the James K. Polka?"

"No," Jesse answered bluntly, gawking at Danny as he spoke.

"Well, there's gonna be." Danny took a pen and pad and began writing. "If you don't want to sing the words, I will; I know all about this guy. I did a report on him in high school. You know, he's responsible for the Mexican-American War, which allowed us to gain California. Otherwise we'd all be speaking Spanish right now."

Jesse shook his head in shock. "Oh, man. What have I done to the music world bringing this guy in as a band member?"

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