Chapter 2: They've Coming At Us Full Force

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A small smile peeked at Juliet's lips as Lights ran a hand through her hair. The sun shone through the curtains just a little to cast a nice light into the room. Lights used a finger to trace the many diamonds on Juliet's engagement ring and Juliet blushed, smiling wider. "Good Morning, Sweetheart." Lights smiled softly and Juliet leaned in to kiss her cheek. "Morning, babe." Juliet replied, throwing back the covers and getting up, she walked over to shove the curtains open. Lights groaned, playfully turning over. "Can we go back to sleep?" She asked, using her arm to cover her eyes. "No, I have to get to the studio to record one last song." Juliet smiled, walking over to her fiancé and helping her out of bed. Lights laced their fingers together as she stared down at her. Juliet was only a tiny bit shorter than Lights. "What song?" She wondered, grinning. "Oh, you'll see because you're coming with." Lights giggled as Juliet leaned in to kiss her lips now and Lights pulled back playfully. "Ahhh! Morning breath!" She threw her hands up in defense and ran into the bathroom. Juliet blushed lightly, throwing a pillow after her. "Shut up!"

"No!" Lights yelled back, giggling as she started her water for a shower. Juliet giggled back, beginning to make up the bed. She was just about to check her phone when Lights emerged from the bathroom in a towel. "Oh, Juju." Lights smirked, sticking a leg out from under the towel. "Join me?" Juliet laughed, shedding clothes as she ran over to her. She closed the door behind them just missing her phone's notification ringtone going off.

[Time lapse]

Lights ran down the stairs and into the kitchen to start breakfast. Reaching into the fridge she grabbed some fruit and took out a cutting board and knife to cut some up. Juliet arrived next and turned on the stove to make a few omlettes. "Could you grab me some eggs, Love?" Lights nodded handing Juliet a few and went back to cutting. "So what's this song about?" Lights asked, watching her hands. "Oh, you know.. us." Juliet smiled as she cracked a few eggs into a bowl and started stirring them up. "Oh?" Lights smiled, biting her lip. "Yeah, I wanted you to sing with me. It's the last song to be added to the new album." Lights smiled brightly now as she got two bowls out and dumped half the chopped fruit into each. "Aw, we've never done a song together." Lights nudged Juliet's shoulder, putting the fruit up on the counter. "What's it called?"

"Not Broken Yet." Just then Juliet's phone went off. Lights wondered who that could be so early in the morning.  "Mind taking over the omelets?" Lights shook her head, moving to grab some veggies to cut up as she watched the eggs cooking.

Juliet walked over to her phone, sitting on the counter and unlocked it. Hm, well that's not weird at all. Two texts from Andy Biersack. She raised an eyebrow, opening the messages. Hey one read and the next one, Congratulations, on the engagement. She furrowed her eyebrows, wondering why he'd care. He hadn't text her in a long time. Sure they had seen each other and conversed, but Andy was nothing more than an acquaintance now. He never really spoke to her like this. Just then her phone went off. Light's 'Face Up' sounded through the room and Lights looked up from her cooking as she added some vegetables and meat to the food. Juliet answered her ringing phone and turned away from her fiancé. "Hello?" She asked, wondering what Andy wanted.

"Hey, Jules." Juliet rolled her eyes at the name he always called her. "Hey, Andy, what do you want?" She whispered low so Lights couldn't hear. "How have you been? Congratulations on the engagement by the way."

"Thank you and I've been great, you?"

"Good, congrats on the signing too by the way, did you hear the news yet?"

Juliet shook her head absentmindedly, "What news?"

"Our manager just informed us that Black Veil Brides will be accompanying Automatic Loveletter on the All or Nothing tour." Juliet frowned, pursing her lips. This was big news, she had no idea of the tour. Her manager hadn't told her yet. "Oh, I didn't know. That's cool." She sucked in a breath, "Can't wait to rock out with you guys."

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