Chapter 10: A Love That's Never Broken

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((The enddddd hope you all find it fitting and written at least decently. Thanks for all who have stuck by it!!<3))

Juliet burst into their apartment, letting her bags go as she entered. She was astonished by the difference between this new apartment and the other one. It was already decorated and looked very nice. Juliet bit her though when she didn't hear anyone running down the stairs to meet her. She checked the new address Lights had sent her and checked the door number. Yep this was it. She closed the door and began taking off her jacket and suddenly panicked as she flung it over the couch. What if Lights was gone again? She gasped, tears pricking her eyes. "Lights?" She turned slowly just as she felt someone grab her sides. She yelped and Lights broke into fits of laughter. "Hey, honey!" Juliet smiled and hugged her tight, picking her up in her arms and Lights wrapped her legs tight around her. She planted a firm kiss right on her lips. "I'm so glad your home!" She said, hugging her, arms tight around her neck. Juliet chuckled, "I'm glad to be home, Love." Her voice was muffled among Lights arms and chest. Lights blushed, realizing this and jumped down. She laced her fingers in hers. "Nice apartment, I'm glad you picked this one." Juliet remembered the photos she had sent, noticing this was the one they both had liked. "Me, too. Hehe, want to have a look around? Hannah helped me furnish it and decorate." Lights smiled and began toting Juliet around the town house. Juliet smiled as Lights face was lit up while she talked about it. She could tell Lights was happy she was back.

"And this is our room!" Lights exclaimed, pushing the door open. A few boxes lay unopened still against the wall. "I thought you might like a black and purple theme?" Lights shrugged, pointing to the deep purple comforter and black dresser. Juliet smiled, "Looks great to me, babe." Juliet smiled, watching her fiancée. "You know what else looks great to me?" Lights blushed as Juliet walked over to her. "What?"

"You." Juliet whispered, picking her up again she held her against the wall, kissing her hard and deep as Lights tightened her legs around her. Juliet began kissing down her neck, earning a few soft moans from Lights and soon Lights hopped down again. Juliet wondered if she had done something wrong but blushed as Lights kissed her neck, probably leaving the biggest hickey ever. "I want to be dom." Juliet giggled and nodded as she allowed Lights to slowly peel off her shirt and next her jeans. Lights removed her own shirt and pants and soon jumped into Juliet's arms again. They landed onto the bed and Lights passionately kissed her, wrapping one of her legs around her waist. Juliet laughed, flipping them both over so she was on top and began kissing down between her breasts. Lights giggled as she lightly tickled her tummy. "Damn, I love you." Juliet whispered against her stomach. "I love you too." Lights said, her hand in Juliet's hair as she stared up at the ceiling. She begun to get nervous, thoughts had been floating around in her head during their reunion session and she was eager to say something. Juliet kissed her tummy lightly, moving a little further down. Lights blushed as she bit at the edge of her panties. She could feel her pulse quickening. "Um, Jules?" Juliet nodded, moving a hand up and down her thigh slowly. "Yes, ma'am?" Lights bit her lip as she felt her hand lightly travel up and down her crotch. "Uh, I was th-thinking about..getting married soon-ish?" Juliet leaned down to kiss the inside of her thigh. "Oh?" Lights felt her smile against her. "Yes, very soon. What do you think?" Juliet removed her hand and moved to lay next to Lights, taking her hand. "I think, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." She kissed her fingers. "I mean, I love you so much. Ever since the day we met, I knew this was going to be something special. That we were going to make it. I love you and I want to be with you forever and ever, babe. Nothing can tear us apart. We will never be broken" Lights smiled, a small tear falling from her face. Juliet wiped it away. "Oh.. my Juliet.." Lights blushed deeply and Juliet pecked her lips again. "Yes, I'm yours, Sweetheart." Lights giggled then, moving quickly to pounce on Juliet. "Yay!"

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