I Love You All ( Flashback)

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Listen to Good Old Days by Macklemore feat. Kesha ( in media)

Have a donut 🍩

Greek words from google translate used in this chapter:

- γιαγιά and παππούς - Grandma and Grandpa

- Αγάπη μου - My love


η οικογένειά μου - my family

- η οικογένειά μου - my family

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"Ares, Athena come here", said Helena laughing while running after her children. 

" Αγάπη μου ", Demetri yelled when he came back to the compound after a long day at work from the factory.  

" In the garden", Helena yelled back to her husband. " How was your day darling", Demetri asked lovingly rubbing Helena's 3 month pregnant stomach. 

Helena was supposed to work at the factory with Demetri but as she was pregnant the werewolf owner gave her a pregnancy leave. The only reason she got a leave was because the child could be someone's mate.

" Tiring", Helena sighed back to her husband. " ΜΠΑΜΠΑΣ, ΜΠΑΜΠΑΣ", shrieked Ares and Athena.

Ares and Athena were ecstatic that their father came back from work. They both climbed off the tree and ran over to their father.

The Grey's were lucky that they got a house to stay in at the compound. Many don't get a house they have to stay in tiny boom closet sized rooms at the large building.

" Ahhhh my little warriors. Kill any monsters today?", Demetri asked his children as he tickled them.

Ares puffed up his chest and replied " I saved Athena from falling off a tree and chased a boy away from her". Demetri smiled at his son. 

" ΜΠΑΜΠΑΣ that boy was really nice" Athena whined.  " Don't worry Athena you can keep girls away from Ares", Demetri said proudly.

Helena was watching her husband play around with their children. She smiled, their life was perfect. 

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