Emoji starters?

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| YOU CAN RESPOND TO MORE THAN ONE. I DON'T MIND AND I ENJOY THE COMPANY :D Also, when asking for a starter, send the number and emoji please. |

( 🥺 )
1. You burst into Isuzu's dorm room knowing very well that she's sleeping because it was completely silent in her room. She always has some music playing, or she's talking out loud, anything to tell you that she's busy doing something. You had something important to tell her, but instead of saying it right then, you couldn't help but fawn over how adorable she looked by just waking up. "Yeah..? What is it, y/n...?" She asks tiredly, rubbing her eyes and sitting up to look at you with her eyes half lidded.

2. Isuzu was carrying a big stack of books that blinded her sight of vision in the front, so she couldn't see anyone or thing in front of her. When she opened a door to make her way to her dorm room, she quickly turned around the corner and bumped into you, dropping all of her books in the process and falling to the floor, noticing that you fell as well because the books she carried were heavy. She sat up and scurried over to you, leaning closer and holding a hand to help you sit up. "I-I'm sorry y/n! Are you okay? A-Are you hurt!?" She looked extremely worried, and all you could do was admire how cute she was, even when she's worried.

( 🌧 )
1. Isuzu was spending the day with you when you noticed there wasn't (listed food) in stock so you decided to go shopping. You told her that you would be back and headed out to go get them when it started raining as you were still shopping in the store. As she usually would, Isuzu started getting impatient and fidgety with things because she was by herself and she always felt nervous being alone, so when she looked out the window to see the rain, she smiled and got an umbrella, hurrying to the store you said you would be at. She waited at the entrance to surprise you, walking out into view when you were exiting the store. Isuzu walked over to you and held up the umbrella over your head, taking a bag from you to help you carry them.

2. Isuzu told you that she would be back because she went shopping for groceries when it starts raining as she's still in the store. You notice this and decide to go out and get her so she won't catch a cold from the rain, bringing her an umbrella and your jacket in case she needs it. When she walks out with the groceries, you hold the umbrella over her head and she looks at you with a confused look. "Y/n? I said I would be back. It's just a little rain, right?"

( 🤕 )
1. Isuzu was in an accident regarding a villain attack at her school. She broke a few of her bones and fractured her ribs trying to prevent others by being hurt from the concrete rubble falling down onto them. She was currently resting in the hospital, unaware that you were waiting by her bedside. When she slowly woke up, she looked over to see you, a smile slowly making its way to her face. "I-I'm sorry, y/n..."

2. You were in an accident (you get to choose) and had to be sent to the hospital. Isuzu, being the frantic worrier she was, made her way to the hospital as soon as she heard about the accident. She was there from the time she arrived, to the time you would wake up. So in the meantime, she held your hand and eventually fell asleep right beside you, until you woke up to see her there.

( 🍼 )
1. Isuzu was hit with a quirk that reduced her age to a five year old, mentally and physically. She was trying to look for someone to get their attention when she accidentally bumped into you and fell to the ground since she wasn't paying attention. She quickly got back up and rubbed her behind since it hurt when she fell onto it. "Ouch...oh, hey! I'm sorry for bumping into you. Do you think you can help me?"

2. You got hit with an age reducing quirk and bumped into Isuzu on the way to get some help. When she turned to you, she squealed in excitement as she knelt down in front of you, hands placed on her knees as she smiled at you. "So that's what you look like as a cute little kid, huh! Do you need some help, y/n?" She asks as she lifts her hand up and pats you on the head.

( 😋 )
1. You and Isuzu have been messing around with each other ever since the first prank was pulled. Neither of you could recall who started it, however, Isuzu declared a prank war against you and anyone else who was willing to join. She covered up all of the soap dispensers in your room with a small piece of tape, snuck bubble wrap underneath the floor carpets, she even taped balloons behind your door so they would pop when it's open. When you went to go walk out of your room, a stick was pulled out of the way and a basket fell onto your head. She stood there, watching it happen with a smile on her face as she giggled and covered her mouth.

2. Isuzu has been acting strange towards you all day ever since she saw you feeling down. Each time you would look at her, she looked away or moved out of your sight of vision. Eventually, this came to the point where you were getting annoyed and confused why she did that. After school got out, she quickly hid near the entrance of the school, waiting for you to find her before she started running, and curiously, you chased after her. Though, you could tell she wanted you to follow anyways since she kept looking back and smiling. When she made it to the park, she tossed her backpack beside the bench and began running as fast as she could. "Come and catch me, y/n!"

( 😖 )
You're aware that Isuzu is afraid of small spaces, so when you two are stuck trapped in an elevator together, you can tell she's freaking out, even if she's just sitting quietly in the corner. She held the bottom of her shoes and squeezed onto them, keeping her head low with her eyes closed as she tries keeping her breath steady. You decided to kneel down in front of her, and in response, she opened her eyes and leapt into your arms, giving you a hug. That was when you realized how much she was trembling and looked for a way to get her out.

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