Personality Explained!

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Isuzu is a kind-hearted, shy and timid girl, who despite being frantic most of the time, is rather cheerful and optimistic. She cares for her classmates deeply, willing to risk her life for any of them as she wishes the best for their future. She is a diligent and hardworking student, and very, very stubborn at that. There are times where she refuses to sleep until she gets something done, which is why she constantly worries others and apologizes frantically for it. She takes great pride and effort into everything that she does because she believes that if it isn't earned, then it shouldn't be hers.

As the younger twin sister of Izuku, she's always supported him and looked up to him, despite him being quirkless. His motivation to become a hero despite the odds is what made her push even further and be just like him, though she hates it when she's in his way because she wants him to continue being the role model that she needs. Izuku himself has given her confidence to be something more than she wanted, to be something special and inspiring to others. Though, she still has many insecurities regarding her role as a sister. Due to her childhood years, where she was picked on about having a quirk where her brother didn't, and still "being weak", she looked down on herself as much as her bullies did.

Despite her insecurities, Isuzu looks up towards her brother as his biggest fan, since sharing the same household and knowing about both his successes and failures, she's believed in him from the very beginning. The motivation she gives him, and the inspiration he gave her is what she strives for to become a hero. She believes that everyone should feel as happy as she does because she has a brother like Izuku.

After she got accepted into UA, the same school her brother enrolled to (She did this purposefully so she could continue to watch him improve while on her own journey to become her own hero), she became more friendly and less isolated. If anything, she felt happy and excited to meet all of her classmates and befriend them. She became more attached emotionally, knowing well enough that there would be times where they could get hurt.

Her determination sky-rocketed after a few weeks in the prestigious school. She promised herself that she would try her best to be an amazing hero, though she does lack independence now that she's made new friends, which may be her greatest weakness. She is great at working with others, but she completely falls apart when she's alone.

Isuzu and her brother are far different from each other despite their appearances. While Izuku was skittish and insecure as a child, Isuzu was not. In fact, she apologized more often for scaring other kids her age with how loud and outgoing she was. Though, this changed as they gradually got older. Izuku became more confident in himself, where Isuzu felt the burden of having a quirk for all of these years and not being able to improve as drastically as he did. She felt completely useless, both as a student, and as a sister because she couldn't get stronger to protect him; something that she always cared the most about.

The twins have their similarities as they do their differences. They're both emotional and cry much frequently than others and apologize for it. Though, Isuzu also cries when she's overwhelmed or confused, where Izuku only seems to be moved by strong emotions. As the younger sibling, Isuzu also tends to pick up some of her brothers habits as well, like the frantic hand gestures when he's nervous, or the enthusiastic muttering when he's focusing on a topic. It is clear to see that she's just another fan, as Izuku is to All Might, she is to her big brother.

Something that others may find odd about her is how sweet she is, despite being frustrated or distracted most of the time, she always manages to take the time to be considerate of others. She has a mix of kindness in her heart, as well as the motivation to get stronger in order to protect everyone. For example, where someone may look at a villain as a bad person who should be arrested, she looks further beyond that. She always thinks twice before acting based on what she sees rather than what she hears about. This is because she knows that everyone is as human as she is in their own way, no matter how violent or cruel they may be.

Even now, Isuzu still has a charming, child-like side to her. She's always been easily fascinated by things and shows it through and through. She cries when she's hurt or unhappy, and she still has time to make people smile by her playful nature. And of course, she does have a clumsy side as well.


When in a heated moment, Isuzu feels quite embarrassed, but she always craves more. After all, she is inexperienced and innocent when it comes to having a partner, much less with sexual intentions.

She follows along with whatever her partner does or tries to do, as she's open to try anything with them, trusting them completely. This can make her quite obedient and needy as she may speak up to ask for more, however she still knows her place.

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