Decorations? Check. Stressed Warner? Check.

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Warner's desk was cluttered for the first time ever. There were streamers, party hats, candles and balloons filling up his office, and he had no idea what to do about it.
Kenji had enthusiastically offered to write up a list of all the necessary things for throwing a birthday party, after Warner had reluctantly asked for his assistance. And now, all of the decorations sat overflowing from the surface of his desk.

Warner sat across the room in a chair, as far away from the explosion of cheerfulness as possible, dragging a hand down his face and glaring at the decorations.
"Why the hell did I decide to do this?" Warner mumbled to himself.
But who else was going to?
Juliette, his one true love, would be a year older tomorrow, and he wanted to celebrate.
Well, he didn't want to celebrate her birthday, so much as her anniversary of being released from the concrete prison she was trapped in for almost a year.
Funny how the days would match up so perfectly. A party celebrating her birth would be cruel, and a painful reminder of her childhood, where she was unwanted and treated like a monster.
She was far from a monster- a monster in bed maybe, but that's a different story.
The celebration of her freedom after months of being locked up was an important celebration to be had. It could be considered her birthday, because that was the day she was born into her new life, where she became the person she is now.
Warner got up, and poked at some streamers with his finger, as if he were expecting them to roll over and bite off his arm.

Juliette was off camping with James and Adam, much to Warner's distaste. Adam had suggested it as a way to get Juliette out of the way while Warner planned the party, so he had reluctantly agreed to the idea. They were half-brothers after all, and Adam learned to keep his distance from Juliette. Warner found himself seeking the aid of Kent and Kishimoto more often lately, and hated himself for it. He had to constantly remind himself that it was all for Juliette, though he cringed every time Kenji smirked and said "What's the magic word?" when he asked for help.
Warner refused to be reduced to begging for Kenji's help, so it usually resulted in a few decent threats from Warner. He took pride in the fact that Kenji was still slightly terrified of him.

Warner started shoving decorations into bags to carry downstairs to where the party would be.
He got in the elevator with bags on each arm, and rode down to the second floor.
After walking down the hall and trying to avoid anyone who might see him looking rediculous with decorations overflowing from his arms, he entered the room.
It had pale blue wallpaper, black leather couches and armchairs, as well as glass tables. Not exactly a party room, but it would do. Juliette loved the large window that took up half of the back wall, facing where the sun would set. She spent as many evenings as possible curled up in the alcove by the window, looking out at the golden sun melting into the earth.
It was the perfect place for a party.
Now all Warner had to do was find Kenji and a few others to help Warner hang this stuff up. Or do it for him. Who was he kidding, Warner had more important things to do than hang streamers from his ceiling fans.
Next step: her present.

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