Presents? Yes please. Thoughtful Warner? Even better.

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After hunting down Kenji and a few others and leaving them to their decorating, Warner headed up to his room. He needed to figure out what present he would get for Juliette.
Warner wanted it to be meaningful, and something special that only Juliette would appreciate.
He paced back and forth, thinking of different things he could buy. Warner cursed; he didn't want to buy something. He knew something permanent that only Juliette would appreciate would be the best gift.
Warner thought of all the things that reminded him of Juliette. He thought of the first time she had stepped outside, and he had realized that it made her happy. He couldn't give her nature though, that was ridiculous.
To help him think, he walked to his bedroom,which branched off of his office; it was the bedroom where Juliette had first stayed when she arrived at Sector 45 with Warner.
She still spent most of her nights curled up next to Warner, or, more commonly, doing more enjoyable things with him.
Juliette didn't take many things with her to go camping with James and Adam, so most of her things were still laying around the room.
Warner scanned the room, until his eyes landed on the drawer that held Juliette's journal, keeping it safe from prying eyes.
That was it!
Something to do with Juliette's journal. It didn't matter what the gift was now, he knew it would be special to her as long as her journal was involved.
Warner flipped open to a page, and happened upon a short section he had perfectly memorized.
"Hang tight
Hold on
Look up
Stay strong
Hang on
Hold tight
Look strong
Stay up
One day I might break
One day I might
That was it. The last line.
"One day I might break free."
It spoke so literally of Juliette being trapped in the asylum, but also trapped in her own body. She had felt like a monster, was treated like one, and Juliette had always wanted to break free. She had always wanted to become someone different and new without this cursed skin that would kill those she touched. Warner knew Juliette still felt concerned and trapped sometimes now, even after she had learned to control her power.
"One day I might break free."
Warner felt the line resonate within him, as well. He was trapped by his fathers reputation, and wanted to be a good leader. However, his father was harmful and cruel, and Warner wanted to break free from that reputation that was carried on to him as well. He wanted to break free from his past and who he was, from all of the pain he had suffered in his life so far.
"One day I might break free"
He would get it tattooed.
For Juliette.
For himself.

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