Chapter 5

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I start feeling sleepy again. Harry notices it and tells the others to leave. He doesn't follow them, instead he walks into my room and sits down on the blankets.

I look at him questioningly.

"Do you mind if I stay a little more?" asks he when he sees my face.

"Um.. not at all." I take a deep breath. "Do you want to talk?"

"If you're fine with that."

"Okay." I remember I wanted Zion to ask me questions. I'm sure Harry will accept it too. He told me a lot about his past so I can trust him. To be honest I can trust everyone here. Maybe Scarlett is an exception but since she doesn't like me, it's not a big deal.

"Y/n?" Harry waves at me.

"Huh sorry. Can I ask for your help?"

"Of course. What do you need?"

"I've decided it... So ask me... Questions... Please."

"You mean about..."

I nod and he sighs. I walk over to the blankets and sit next to him.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. The worst thing that can happen is that I start crying, but I really need it. I have to know what to do with Ju-" I suddenly take my hands on my mouth. Harry frowns. This confused look on his face... Is like my father's. I can feel tears welling down my face and I pass out.


"Y/n, come here!"

"Yes, father." I excitedly run to him. I called him like this to remind him of mom when she was young. He liked it and it made him smile every time.

"Wow, my princess looks so sweet today! Do you want to go to Sam's restaurant to have a dinner together?"

"Yes please! I want to taste Sammy's salad again!"

Father laughed and took my schoolbag. We sat in the car and drove to Sam's restaurant. I could choose whatever I wanted to and we had a great time, away from my classmates and teachers and mom and lil' bro.

On the way home father got an incoming phone call. I could recognise his boss's voice. He was yelling and threatening. Father just listened to him calmly, but his face went darker and darker with every minute.

By the time we arrived home, he was so down I couldn't help him feeling better. I just walked in his study and hugged him. Mom and Colin were in the kitchen, playing board games together. They didn't really care about us. The family was torn. With a good reason.

Father sat me on his desk and told me to wait. I knew what was coming. I was a little scared but I didn't say a word. He did it for me. Minutes later he came back with a needle full of this red liquid. He was something like the crazy scientists in the movies. He did weird things in his free time and was suspicious but I was too young to understand it. I just liked the way he cared about me.

"You deserve love, Y/n. You deserve living." he said as he came closer and injected me.

•°•Then everything went black and in the next moment I saw myself in a mirror.•°•

I was older, it was the almost 15 years old me in the mirror, looking back at me.

"Good girl." I heard father's voice from behind me. I turned back and looked at him. As the time passed he started loving me more and more. Sometimes it felt like he was worshipping me. "Now, it's time to go to the hospital. I've prepared a gift for you there."

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