Chapter 11

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Please get some food for our lovely zombies. I don't mind you going out just don't let anyone know about it and be careful. Don't get hurt.

~Lawrence :)

I read the letter over and over again. Wtf Lawrence? You talk about Judy and Scarlett like they were our children! An embarrassed smile appears on my face. Whatever Y/n, at least you can leave.

I pack my things and cancel the cleaning again. I take my bag and look out the window. Last time I jumped out I didn't hurt myself because of the flat topped store next to the school building. If I repeat it, the others won't notice me leaving.

With my backpack on, I land successfully on the ground. After that I look around to make sure nobody followed me but there is no sign of life around me. I know a pet shop not that far from the school. It's just about two and a half kilometres from here and fortunately it's the absolute in the other direction from where some of the guys went to look for food.

If I'm fast, I'll be back in half an hour. But I don't want to run so maybe I won't.

I recall the route I should follow and cross the road. Nothing really bothers me and I don't seem to bother zombies either. It'll be really fine, no need to be scared. I smile to myself.

Not that much later I reach my goal. The pet shop looks the same as it always had. I guess no survivors need dog or cat food. I gently push the door and it opens instantly. Everything's so clean and this place is nothing like all the other messed up houses or stores. It seems even safer than the school since there are no broken windows or doors.

For a moment I feel like the apocalypse didn't happen but then a sound pulls me back to reality. I look around carefully. There's no way a zombie got in here. Is it a survivor?

"Hey! Is anyone in here?" I yell but no answer comes. I wait for some minutes. I'm sure I heard something moving but I don't remember where from. "Well whatever, I'll just talk to myself then." I go on and take some steps forward.

When there's no response again I decide to ignore the sound and start searching for canned dog food. I look for them everywhere but I can't seem to find any so I pick ten small cans for cats. I put them in a basket and walk up to the counter. I feel like role playing with myself.

"I will take ten of these cat foods." I announce and giggle. I don't know why it feels so relieving. I cross the counter so I can play the cashier's role too but I let out a scream cause of what I have to see there.

"What the hell?!" I cry. A girl is sitting there, eating all the dog food I wanted to take. I feel like throwing up. How comes I didn't notice this smell before?

The girl jumps up in fear and screams as well. Her breath is smelly from what she ate. That's when I realise who she is and it seems like she recognise me too.

"Oh my God, Y/n!" she takes me by surprise, hugging me tightly.

"I'm not your God, Melody." I answer in a cold tone. She was my number one bully in the school. I never really cared about her words or dones but still I hated her just as much as she did me. I release myself from her grip and push her aside. "I don't have the time for stupid stuff like you." I can just hardly ignore the misery on her face. "I was about to leave anyway." with quick steps I start walking in the entrance's direction.

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