The Ultimate Heist

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[In the middle of the night, Neon & MON were chasing a truck, Zombina lowered their vehicle window and yelled at the driver]

Zombina:Stop that truck in this moment!

Neon:The driver is a holographic projection. Move in closer.

[She moved closer to the truck and Neon was about to jump out, without even looking at the Omnitrix]

Zombina:You do not intend to use an alien form?

Neon:That won't be necessary. Few of them would fit in the cabin of your vehicle, anyway.

Zombina:I mean you have Big Chill, Heatblast, Spidermonkey, and I'm sure you have plenty of others-

Neon:Just get closer! You undead being!

Zombina:Eessh, you're kinda irritated this time around, but fine.

[She moved slightly closer, enough for Neon to jump in, causing the holographic driver to be turned off, Neon looked over the controls]

Neon:Primitive. I've restored manual control. I'll pull over up ahead.

Zombina:You're using awfully colorful language tonight.

Neon:Just trying to show all of you how smart I am, understood Pacient 0?

Zombina:What's with the oddly strange and specific nicknames Neon?

[Suddenly neon's chair turns sideways and someone who is controlling the truck in the storage area to speak to him]

Neon:I'm surprise to see a Techadon Weapon Master making his own deliveries.

[The alien has a humanoid appearance with green skin, red eyes, and nasal cavities where his nose should be. He wears a white, full bodysuit with various pockets and a utility belt]

Inspector 13:Incorrect. Thanks to your meddling, this entity is no longer Inspector 13 of the Techadon Empire. I'm more of an independent dealer now ... and you just interrupted my route.

[4 Techadon Robots appeared out of the shadows and faced Neon who didn't changed his expression at all]

Inspector 13:Observation. Normally your facial expression would change to a either one filled with surprise, shock or anger.

Neon:I learnt to control my emotions, they... Were hindering.

[Neon manages to climb onto the roof of the truck using gymnastics, shocking Zombina and the others]

Zombina:Show off! Why don't you use an alien?

Neon:No.I rely on my alien forms too much.

Doppel:Atleast you recognize you got a problem.

Inspector 13:Techadon Robots pursue and destroy Neon Skye.

[The robots start shooting at Neon but he was able to dodge them gracefully and he landed on MON's vehicle]

Zombina:Whoa! He's escaping!

Inspector 13:Pursuit no longer profitable. You may survive yet, Neon Skye.

[He escaped and Zombina was about to continue the chase, but Neon stopped her]

Zombina:We can catch up to-

Neon:No we can't, think. He definitely has a base of operation somewhere were all the technology made or stolen by him is located, we just need to perfect intel.

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