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Danny paced up and down once again the next morning. He's stuck. He's out of ideas. What could he do? Maybe he could start with the death of his parents. That could probably be a starting point.

Danny transformed and flew out, heading towards the GCPD. He turned invisible and went towards the record room. He dropped his invisibility.

"At least it's more organized." Danny noted. Going to the first box, he saw they were labeled according to the victim's last name. The Wayne Murders... Danny thought.

Yes, he knew practically everything of the famous people in Gotham City but since he is in an alternative universe, he needed to stay updated.

After half an hour of searching, Danny groaned but then the door went open as the record keeper walked in with a box.

She moved dangerously too close towards Danny. Luckily Danny turned invisible before she could see him when she turned her head.

Danny waited until she was outside the room before he continued on woth his search.

Danny found the box after another ten minutes and flew through the roof with it in his hands. As he flew, he looked down at the box in his arms. He can't believe he is the son of Thomas and Martha Wayne.

For years he idolized Bruce Wayne or rather Batman but now the Dark Knight is his brother. He arrived at his motel room and opened up the box.

His hands shook a bit but he kept on going. He took out the case file and opened it. He saw what he expected. The multiple photos of the crime scene, autopsy files and photos and a report of how the murder went down.

Reading through it, Danny noticed not much of of he already knew changed. He looked down at the JMJF bracelet on his arm. He grazed it with his finger.

"It still happened to me in anyway... biological parents or not." Danny said. He only grew angry. Clockwork... Danny really didn't want to see his face again. If he did, he wouldn't be able to hold himself back.

He reread the report again. His eyes widen when he read something that stood out. Killer still at large... The killer isn't caught. That's the one  detail.

What if the killer had something to do with it? Like he caused it, intentionally or not... Danny read further to get a name but to his luck the paper has worn out a bit. He could make out the letter V and that's it.

"Isn't that great!" Danny shouted throwing down the report on the bed. Looking further into the box, he found the blood tests and evidence bags.

He pulled out the bag that had broken string of pearls. The other held the bullet casings found and then the bullets that was found in the bodies.

Danny turned his one hand intangible and took out one pearl. Taking the pearl, he made an ice bracelet and placed the pearl inside and puts it on the same arm as the JMJF bracelet.

"So they knew who the killer is  who is still at large...if only I knew who it was." Danny said to himself. The letter V isn't much for him to go on and no doubt the information is confidential.

The only ones who knows are cops, Bruce Wayne and well...the killer. Danny stood at his window and stared out ahead.

He closed his eyes for a moment. He hit a dead end.


Bruce rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as stretched out his limbs. He looked at the computer to see that both blood analysis are completed.

Book 4 PDS: The Batman's Evil Brother Where stories live. Discover now