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"So be it, until victory is America's and there is no enemy, but peace!"

An engine sputtered and popped below. I blinked the burning frost away from my eyes. The only ounce of reality I could compute was that Chris Grenier had his hand on my shoulder.

"You okay, Captain?"

This small gesture gained my attention from the others, who were still analyzing the now-labeled crime scene.


A line of armored trucks zoomed down the snowy street, reminding me very much of the convoy I'd charged into battle with on that day so long ago. Slithering through the sand as if it was no more than powered snow, all at the guidance of an android who could see terrain obstacles and IEDs with nothing but their cybernetic eyes. Speaking of which...

My focus drifted to Liera, who was smoking a cigarette in the corner, isolated, leaving the others to converse and do the busy work. I decided to give Grenier's hand a pat, and give him a thankful smile, of which he returned a knowing one and left me. I made my way to Liera's side.

"Captain." She muttered.

"Officer Lastimosa." I smirked, "How are..."

My throat caught. I couldn't finish asking the stupid question. I'd noticed the dark circles under her eyes that were positively cutting through the rest of her face like molten lava descending upon an island. She'd been late to the office more than once the last few weeks. 5 minutes here, 10 minutes there. I wasn't going to hold it against her, she was grieving, but it was extremely uncharacteristic.

"I feel like shit." She took a drag of her cigarette, leaning on the barrier that faced the city. "This is where it happened. Gun powder residual traces. Footprints that match his. Peculiar that the gun is missing and the body was moved. Found it tucked behind the electrical box over there." She nodded her head, then added "It's so cold..." with a shiver.

"Beats Baghdad." I joked.

I must've said it louder than intended, because my comment earned a unified groan from everyone on the roof.

There was a long silence before she decided to speak again.

"I'm not doing better than anyone else." She picked up a handful of snow and held it against her tired eyes, "I just want to catch these bastards that are r-responsible f-for-"

Suddenly her handful of snow crumbled with a metallic click of her prosthetic's fist closing.

"You need to take time off." I mumbled, knowing what I was getting myself into, "I've been telling you that since...since it happened."

"What's that going to do for me, Captain? Hm?" She glared at me, "Give me time to be holed up with my thoughts, no distractions, just a ticking time bomb shoved in a paper house staring outside, wondering where the murderers' accomplices are? Wondering if-" She choked, "Wondering if Connor is the one responsible for our dilemma, here? No, I don't need bed rest. I'll take time off when we catch these mother fuckers and-"

She caught herself. Her eyes dropped to something behind me, switching left and right. I turned my head, my chin just over my shoulder, to find the rest of them watching in concern. I gave them a quick direction with a nod, telling them to mind their business and get back to work with a simple gesture.

Liera cleared her throat, "Apologies, Captain. I did not mean to speak out of turn."

"Save your apologies and get some sleep." I snapped, "I can't have you out here half asleep and day dreaming on the clock while the rest of us are depending on you to cover our asses if something goes south. You wanna be here? Keep your shit together."

Machine Learning (Captain Allen and DPD SWAT POV)Where stories live. Discover now