Honorable Discharge

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"The Change is Forever."

A metal door shuts and a body falls. We run. Liam rams the door. I'm blinded by fire, burning in the night. Sage looks at me, defiance in her eyes, flecks of gold in brown. I bust a console and cut wires. I rearrange them like war has rearranged me. The car starts. I drive away. We're blown off the cliff. The ocean looks small, and grows and grows and grows as we rush towards it, gravity sucking us in and sounds of waves that were once soothing become an anthem to the nightmare.

We break through the surface. Sage saves my life, but so many around me are dead.

I splashed water on my face, a tremor wracking my body at the feeling. I breathed deep, held it, and let it go like they taught me. My body has been punctured by bullets. My skin has been scarred by shrapnel. My bones have been broken and snapped back into place. Nothing compares to the night that has overrode every dream for the last year. The night that had me skip showers for two weeks before I could take one without crumbling in panic. Nothing ever got to me that bad, but really, when had I ever been that close to death?

The drain gurgled and I watched the water slip through the holes as if it would wash away pure terror, my hand still gripping the faucet handle. I looked in the mirror, relieved to find bloodshot eyes and flushed cheeks. All signs that I was still alive. Breathing. Something I'd never take for granted again.

I checked my watch, it was 0432. Couldn't ever manage to sleep past then. They tell me that'll go away with time, but plenty of time passed, and it didn't change. I shake my head and leave the bathroom, turning off the light as to not wake up Sadie. She was still sleeping in our bedroom, painted in moonlight coming through sheer curtains. My running gear was still in the living room, I snuck down the hall and got dressed. Sadie yelled at me multiple times for leaving clothes all over the place. I took clean socks from the dryer, something she also used to yell at me for – leaving clothes in there. When it comes to socks, she's a hypocrite, but it works to my advantage. Also doesn't trust the android to put them away the way she likes.

It stared at me from the living room, and took a step forward out of its charging station.

I come home with an arm in a sling and a crutch under my leg. Nothing compares to the phantom pain in my chest, in my lungs. Sadie opens the door for me, but I freeze in the doorway. It stares at me from the living room.

"Your parents sent it as a gift. They were at the first CyberLife tradeshow in Detroit and got one hell of a deal." Sadie tells me, "They upgraded, and sent Roger to help nurse you back to health."

"They...sent an android?"

"He helps me around the house. Makes it so I can actually work and not worry about Tali being here alone. And he's going to help us get you back on your feet."

"They have thoughts, Sadie. Feelings. We shouldn't-"

"David," she puts a hand on my good arm, "I know you've been through a lot. But they are just machines."

She's brainwashed. She was fed propaganda and ate it up. They make us sound like we're crazy so we lose credibility, like we're all just traumatized and making shit up.

I stare at her hand. I stare at her wedding ring. I stare at the diamonds inlaid in gold. I think of the diamond mine.

The Marine Corps was done with me long before I was done with them.

Machine Learning (Captain Allen and DPD SWAT POV)Where stories live. Discover now