The Interview.

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George's opened the door and was greeted to an amazing scene. The headquarters was beautiful. It had lots of plants, loads of pillars and a huge marble desk in the middle of the entrance.

Suddenly a girl with light pink hair, tied back in a bun ran up to him. "George!" She said,"I'm Niki! Lovely to meet you!" She said, smiling and holding out her hand. George shook it.
"Thank you, it's nice to meet you too." He said.

"You can follow me now to Mr. Dreams office." She said, turning on her heel and walking towards the elevator. They got to the elevator when two boys ran up to Niki.

"Niki!!" One boy in a red and white T- shirt said," Wilbur is teaching tubbo to curse!" He said very proudly. "I can say thuck now!" The boy in the green T- shirt said.

"Tommy, tubbo! Don't say those words! I'm with a client guys. Tell Wilbur I'll be over soon." Niki said. "Please come now Niki.." Tubbo said, giving Niki puppy dog eyes.

Niki looked back at George. " it's fine Niki, I'll find my way up." George said, smiling.

"Thanks so much George. It's the door at the very end of the hall on the 5th floor!" She shouted, Tommy and tubbo pulling her away.

George got in the elevator and went to the 5th floor. When the elevator door opened he was met with a astonishing sight. "This headquarters is rich.." George thought.
The hall way to Mr. Dreams office was long but it looked expensive. Golden walls with pillars all the way up to two big oak doors.

He made his way up the hallway and locked on the door. He stood back as he heard footsteps from the other side. Suddenly the big brown doors opened. Mr. Dream was standing there in a black suit, a mask covering half his forehead.

Mr. Dream looked George up and down.
"George, is it?" He said. His voice was low and blunt. "Yes sir." George managed to cough up.

Mr. Dream shifted. "It's Mr. Dream please." He said, fixing his tie. "Oh yes, Mr. Dream." George replied, looking at the floor.

"We'll come in and have a seat." Mr. Dream said, walking inside the room. George followed after him, shutting the door. He sat down on the leather chair beside a little coffee table, infront of Mr. Dreams big desk.

"So, George.." Mr. Dream said," any experience working with people?" The way Mr. Dream said George's name made him blush.

"Well, I worked at a bakery.. and I worked as a photographer for a few years. But that probably doesn't help.." George said, rubbing his neck.

Dream stared at him. George only noticed now his bright eyes. Either yellow or green, George didn't know. He felt that they where green as he was informed the yellow wasn't really an eye colour.

"Well. I want to give you this job,George. But, it means being here 24/7. If any of my meetings come up, you'll need to attend them with me. You understand?" Mr. Dream said.

"Yes Mr. Dream." George said.

"Great. Well, there's a little room of the corner there, that will be yours. I usually don't give my assistants rooms but.. here we are." Mr. Dream said. He pointed to a wooden door at the corner of the room. There was another wooden door to the left of it. George only realised now that Mr. Dreams office was more like a house. A little kitchen in the corner, and a little living room with a tv. His desk area was closed off by some little curtains, so most people probably didn't know he lived here coming into his office.

"Thank you Mr. Dream." George said,smiling.

"No problem. Niki actually has all of your belongings.." Mr. Dream said.

"But I didn't bring them-" George said.

"No questions. We have them and there ready to be brought up here now. I'll call Niki now to tell the Porter to bring them up." Mr. Dream said.

"O-ok.." George said. He looked around the room as Mr. Dream called Niki.

"Ok everything's set. You can go into your room if you, uhm, want to." Mr. Dream said, coughing. George didn't know why Mr. Dream was so nervous,but he let it pass over.

He nodded and walked over to the room. When he opened the door he saw a double bed in the middle of the room, a Tv on the wall and what looked like a bathroom in the corner.

"Thank you Mr. Dream! This is amazing." George said, smiling.

"Your most welcome George." Mr. Dream said, smiling back at him. George didn't close the door as he felt that would be rude. Mr. Dream seemed to like that he didn't close the door but oh well.

A while later , George had all his bags and was ready to go to sleep. ( YES ITS NIGHT TIME SHHHUSH)

He forgot that he hadn't closed his door. He pulled of his shirt and reached into his bag to get his sleeping shirt. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his mirror, but he also saw Mr. Dream staring in at him through the reflection.

He turned around abruptly. "Sorry Mr. Dream." George said running to the door. Mr. Dream blushed intensely, his nose lit up red the most. He walked away swiftly. George decide not to close his door. He just wanted to see how far Mr. Dream would go... "I'm not gay though." George thought.


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