Chapter 2: Catco

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Overgirl POV

I entered the elevator and pushed the button for Catco's floor. I fiddled with the stupid glasses on my face as I am not used to them and they're uncomfortable. When the elevator dings, I walk out and head towards what I assumed was Kara's desk since it was the only empty one. 

When I was preparing for this mission, me and my husband did lots of more in depth research on Kara's life. We would track her unique kryptonian heat signature everywhere she went so I could get a good understanding of her daily life. On my Earth, we have special technology that allows us to access information from different Earths. However the information that we can gather is only the things that are accessible to everyone. Something called Google? Whatever that was. With our technology, we could also track certain people if we had a DNA sample. We could track Kara because I have the same DNA. 

I place my coat on the back of my chair and sit at the desk- well now I guess it's my desk. I open the laptop in front of me and begin to 'work'. I have no idea what I am supposed to be working on. So I just try to do what everyone else is. Just typing? Ok, easy enough. 

I begin typing on the laptop when I feel a buzz in my pocket. I took out Kara's phone to see a message from a 'Lena'. 

Lena: Hey Kara! 

Kara: Greetings Lena. 

Lena: Since when do you talk so formal 😂

Shit! Kara doesn't talk like this. Duh!

Kara: Sorry, just being funny

Lena: Well thanks for the laugh

Lena: Anyway I wanted to tell you I have a meeting with Cat today and after that we could get lunch if you want?

Kara: Sure

Lena: Ok see you soon

Who is this Lena? Probably another ally of hers that we hadn't found out while preparing. I continued to 'work' for another hour or so, until someone came walking into the main room. She had short blonde hair and wore sunglasses. She walked straight into the big office next to my desk. The office was huge, and I assumed it belonged to Cat Grant. I figured since the blonde haired woman sat the desk in the office, that she was Cat Grant. 

Several hours later, a woman with long raven hair walked into the main room of Catco. Her hair was pulled into a tight high ponytail. She was wearing a nice black dress that complimented her body well. She was very pretty, I wonder who she is? 

When she walked into the main room, I had this weird feeling at the bottom of my stomach when I saw her. It was such an odd and unusual sensation. I felt like a I was going to be sick, like I was about to throw up. Apparently, I wasn't the only person to notice that I felt... sick? I'm not even sure of I was feeling sick  per se, but I think it was something similar. Anyways, another worker who sat a few desks away from mine, came up to my desk. 

"Kara, are you okay?" He asked me. I turn to face him. 

"Yes, I just... I have this weird feeling at the pit of my stomach." I say honestly. I believe he is one of Kara Danvers' allies, so I try to act as normal as possible. Whatever normal is around here. Man this Earth is weird!

"Do you feel sick or something?" He looks concerned. Do humans on this planet really care this much for each other? Pathetic! 

"No, not exactly sick. But something odd like that." I answer honestly. 

"Well that's a relief! We can't have another red kryptonite situation on our hands. Or something like that. Is it like, nerves?" He looks relieved, but also concerned at the same time. And what the hell was red kryptonite? I mean I know what regular  kryptonite is, but what is red  kryptonite? I swear on the fatherland, if that is some other form of kryptonite that can harm me then I'm going to have to have a word with Rao myself! 

"Maybe nerves... I don't know honestly." 

"Ok, I gotta get back to work or else Cat is gonna roast me." He leaves and sits back at his own desk. What in Rao's name is a roast?  I don't understand the people on this planet, I barely understand humans in general. 

Right as my coworker got back to his own desk, the raven haired women who had walked into Cat's office earlier, had exits her office and stood in front of my desk. "Hey Kara! Ready for lunch?" 

Ohhh! This is Lena! The mysterious women who's Kara Danvers' ally that I was messaging earlier.  I thought to myself. "Uh, yeah. Where were you thinking of going?" 

"I would  like to go to that new salad bar place. I heard they serve great kale salads." She teases. 

"Ok, lead the way!" I agree, not even knowing what kale is. 

"Seriously?! Kara 'I don't eat anything healthy' Danvers is willing to go to a salad  bar?" Lena looks very surprised. 

"Uhh... I um, I wanted to switch it up for a change." I try to maintain my cover. "Lead the way Lena!" I gesture to the elevator dramatically. This causes Lena to giggle. 

Rao, her laugh is so sweet! I thought to myself. Wait, that stupid feeling is back. What in Rao's name is happening? 

I've never had this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach before, nor do I even know what it is or why I'm having it. I feel excited, but nervous at the same time. However, it only happened at certain times: when Lena entered Catco, and when Lena came to talk to me at my desk. Maybe it was this 'red kryptonite' that- Winn, I believe his name was- was talking about! I bet that Lena has some, and it is making me feel sick. That is the only explanation as to why I feel like I have fucking bugs in my stomach. What do they call them here, butterflies? I don't know. Anyway, I'll have to be friendly, for now. But if she does have red kryptonite, then I'm going to have to terminate her. It's only fair. 

But for right now, I have to go to lunch with Lena, become Kara Danvers, and learn everything I need to be able to take down the heroes of both Earth 1 and Earth 38. 

Off to lunch we go! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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