All in due time

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Keefe POV:

We're still a ways away from winning against the Neverseen. We might never truly get rid of them, at least not fully, but we have human allies now.

The Avengers were really nice about keeping the elf thing on the DL, and after the council talked to Eye-patch he was willing to let us stay free as long as we told them if there was a danger to humanity.

Y'know, normal stuff.

On the other hand, I loved meeting Harley and Clint in person. (We have pranks planned, but don't tell anyone, mkay?) Everyone pretty much agreed that Sophie needed to be bubble wrapped, so Tony created an AI to keep her safe. 

It's a cat bot the size of Ella, and it's really sweet to see Misty riding around on Sophie's shoulder. The two of them have saved my butt in battle more times than my fragile ego can admit.

We've been meeting with the humans, making friends and laughing, bandaging wounds and talking through our guilt.

Mom's in custody, and so's Vespera. Fintan's struggling to run the organization with a new dude named Atlas as his right-hand, and Peter was able to capture Ruy by using a specialized EMP-thingy that he and Dex had geeked out over then promptly locked down with a whole bunch of security codes as soon as it did its job.

I had asked Sophie out a few months ago, and she wasn't at all nervous around me which was a huge win. Every time I see her, I know that no matter what will happen, we'll be okay, all thanks to a wrong number.

So. Sorry this story is somewhat short, but I was starting to lose inspiration for this particular plotline. Yes, this is the ending, but I may or may not write more wrong numbers in the future using information from this one to make them better.

For the last time in this book,

Galaxy, over and out.

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