Chapter 2

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The next couple of days Dennis and Elaine tried to accommodate with their new living arrangements and they realized sharing Dennis' small apartment together wasn't difficult at all.

Dennis was currently working on a case at Teshima so he would either sleep in his office or come back home very late. Elaine, on the other hand, was mostly at home because her now ex-husband had forced her to quit her job a couple of days before she ran away to seek Booker’s help. She couldn't even go back to her old job as Dennis’ secretary at Teshima because he had already hired Suzanne Dunne for the job.

Currently she was in the kitchen because Dennis had finally finished his case and she wanted them to celebrate with a proper dinner. After all he did for her it was the least she could do in return. He was in the bathroom taking a shower and she was cooking dinner, but instead of focusing on the boiling pot she had drifted away in her thoughts going back to a couple of months ago when in the spur of the moment Dennis had given her a peck on the cheek.

He leaned down to take a closer look at the computer screen and Elaine caught her breath in her throat. His scent, a mixture of aftershave, cigarettes and mint bubble gum hit her nostrils again like it had done numerous times before and she was engulfed by the warmth that his body was radiating. She stole a quick glance at his direction and her heart started beating so fast that she thought it would jump out of her chest. His deep brown eyes were fixed on the computer screen and the soft light was illuminating his face, playing up and down upon his handsome features. He was a vision of pure perfection that never failed to take her breath away. Reluctantly she tore her eyes off him to look at the screen again. When they finally found what they were looking for she heard his excited voice next to her ear. 

"We've got him." Dennis said triumphantly with a large grin spreading across his face. "We've got him!" 

 It was then when she felt his lips touching her cheek for a brief moment and her eyes widened. It was just a quick peck that lasted not more than a couple of seconds but it was enough to send a tingling sensation all over her body. When he walked away she followed him with her eyes and let out a breath she didn't realize she’d been holding back. 

Dennis Booker would be the death of her. That much Elaine Grazzo was sure of.

The pot made a loud noise taking Elaine out of her thoughts with a jolt. Shaking her head to herself she quickly finished the meal she was preparing and started laying the table.

But her thoughts once again wandered to Dennis. She would never forget the day she first met him. 

She was so preoccupied with feeling guilty over her vote and she didn't quite register that she was fired. However, just as the news had finally sunk in her brain, someone told her to come back and that she was supposed to go back to her floor because someone needed her there. While the elevator slowly ascended to reach her stop, guilt hit her hard again but she didn't have time to think about it because with a ding the doors slid open and she had to get off her elevator.

She saw one of her friends who pointed to the office at the other end of the floor and with a nod Elaine started walking towards it. Reaching the small room she heard voices coming from inside of it and moving the box she was holding from one arm to the other she knocked on the door and walked in.

And she saw him. 

He was dressed in dark pants, suit jacket and dark top, and he looked incredibly handsome. His raven hair was only briefly styled making him look even more breathtaking. His dark eyes moved from Alicia to look at her and Elaine felt she was drowning in their depths.

Hearing the sound of the bathroom door Elaine looked in that direction to see Dennis walking out followed by a cloud of steam and she caught her breath in her throat. He had only a short white towel wrapped around his waist, hanging low. Droplets of water were rolling all over his face and beautifully tanned muscular chest and the muscles on his arms were beautifully accented while he was brushing his wet hair with another towel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2021 ⏰

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