Chapter Ten

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"Forgetting is like a wound.
The wound may heal, but it has already left a scar."


Xiao stared deep into your eyes. Your statements rang in his head. You had known that he was trying his best to hide something from you. You had seen right through him.


"Please Xiao," you begged. "Please tell me what you're hiding from me. I don't like being kept in the dark."


The adeptus avoiding looking into your eyes in fear of you seeing his emotions. Ever since you and him had all those many years ago, for you, the adeptus had always been an open book. For him, you had always been the one to see through him and his walls. No matter what he did to hide things from you, you would always see past the wall that he put up.

Even now, that hasn't even changed. You still saw past him like he wasn't even trying to hide anything. You saw though him like an open book.

Sighing, Xiao held your hand with a soft and shaky grip, "Let's go somewhere else. I know a place where we can properly talk about this."

The two of you headed towards Windrise. In front of you stood a giant tree that completely towered over the two of you hiding it under it's shade. Anemo crystal flies fluttered peacefully around the large trunk of the remarkably large tree.

Xiao sat on a stone by your side playing around with the grass. He looked solemnly at the grass as you sat by his side. There was a peacefully quiet but sad aura surrounding the both of you and neither one of you could seem to talk.

"So you want to know what I've been hiding from you," Xiao broke the silence after a while of twirling the grass at his feet with his finger.

"Mhm," you nodded, your heart feeling anxious with the suspense.

Xiao sighed not knowing how to start the explanation. It broke his heart to have to tell someone his story especially since that someone was you.

"You're supposed to be dead," Xiao started without an ounce of hesitation.

You stared into the sky not knowing how to react. Were you supposed to cry? Were you supposed to be sad? It sounded so fake yet you could feel the pain in Xiao's voice that reminded you that it was your story with Xiao's.

"Back in the Archon War, you had saved me. I had a master who had mistreated me and you found me bleeding and nearly dead on a cliff. You had nursed me back to health and even gave me a better life by sending me to a new person to serve. You had asked Rex Lapis the Geo Archon who now goes by the name of Zhongli to take me underneath his wing and make me one of his adepti."

"So I was the one that connected you to Zhongli," you asked in disbelief. "But how do you know its me? I might just look like the person you are talking about from the past."

Xiao shook his head in disagreement, "You are y/n. That was the same name you had in the past. You have a same exact look. No matter what I did, your beauty was something that I would never forget. And you act the same way, you have the same personality of the one that I fell for all those years ago. You are y/n. The y/n that I knew in the past and the y/n that is somehow here in the present."

"Xiao..." you didn't know what to say about his confession.

"Let me continue," Xiao's eyes glazed over. "During the last battle of the Archon War, I was supposed to die after taking a fatal wound from an enemy's attack however, you gave up your own soul to save mine. The reason why both Zhongli and I were so surprised that you were back is because you were supposed to stay dead. You literally gave up your soul which would take away all of your chances at being reborn."

"So I died to save you?"

"Yes. Your soul was completely destroyed to save my life so there is no way that you should be sitting here in front of me. Yet here you are. I know its selfish of me but I'm really happy. I missed you. I need you y/n."

Xiao looked straight into your eyes, his gaze not leaving yours for a minute. You saw all of his hidden feelings, all of his heartbrokeness. The moment that the two of you gazed into each others eyes, you could feel his genuine love for you.

"It must be confusing for you," Xiao quickly looked away, a blush growing in his cheeks. "And it might sound unbelievable but I know that you are at same person that I fell for all those years ago. I could never mistake it. These feelings that never realized all those years ago are finally coming back to me."

The two of you sat in silence. You had no idea how to react to all of this. It was like everything was poured over you all at the same time.

Although the story that Xiao told you seemed nothing more than a myth, you couldn't help but also find it true. You had felt an odd connection to the story when he told you. And not only that, the dots connect in someway. After all, you couldn't remember your past. The story that Xiao had told you seemed to fill the hole in your memories that you never even thought about. It was like a puzzle that was finally being completed for the first time.

However, your heart was still conflicted. The feelings in your heart were so alien to you. All of this was too much for you to process.

"I'm sure it's hard for you y/n," Xiao knelt in front of you. "And I know you are still processing all that I told you but please let me be selfish for a moment and tell you something that I was never able to tell you all those years ago."

Before you could even reply, Xiao continued, "I love you too y/n and I would gladly marry you. This is my reply to your feelings. But I know that in a way, this is a different life for you so I will wait and accept whatever you have to say. Whether you fall for someone else or whether you hate me, I just want you to know that I love you with all my heart and I'm sorry for all the trouble that I put you through. Y/n, I love you."

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