Chapter Sixteen

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"It's really amazing when two strangers become the best of friends
but, it's really sad when the best of friends become two strangers."


"You're finally awake," a blonde short-haired girl that resembled Aether appeared before you. "It's nice to see you again y/n."

Looking around, you seemed to be in a luxurious room. The room was a pale tan color with a very intriquite designed gold colored curtain over an average sized window. The furniture itself was a dark wood desk with gold borders and a shelf full of various books of different sizes. Towards the side was a door that most likely led to a closet and a body sized mirror bordered opal white. The bed that you laid on was as soft as a cloud and the fabric as smooth as silk. It was definitely a grand room, a room designed for someone of noble status.

"Who are you?" You asked, staring at the girl who seemed to know who you were just like Xiao and Zhongli.

"I'm Lumine," she gave a warm smile that was somehow familiar to you. "Aether's twin sister."

Recalling a time not to long ago when Aether had told you his goal of traveling through Teyvat, you stared at the girl in front of you in confusion. If this Lumine was Aether's twin as she said, why was she not looking for her brother and instead staying with her. It seemed like she lived in comfort and would easily be able to go find her brother at any time she wanted.

Did she not want to find her brother like he wanted to find her?

There was something more to the situation that bugged you. She talked to you in such a familiar way that it was sort of suspicious. It was like the two of you had some history together that you couldn't remember.

Just what in the world was she hiding?

"So Lumine," you stared at her, slowly saying her name. "Why am I here?"

"I missed you," she smiled. "Its been really long since we last seen each other."

"Why does it seem like everyone in this world knows me while I don't know anyone," you muttered to yourself.

"So you really did forget," Lumine gave a forced laugh.


"Our past, you, me, and Aether. Your past," Lumine sat down on the bed that you were laying on.

Realizing your awkward position of laying down on the unfairly comfortable pillow, you immediately sat down to Lumine's amusement. A blush soon appeared on your cheeks from embarrassment as she laughed at you.

"You haven't changed," she stopped laughing though amusement could still be seen on her face.

"I still have no idea what your talking about," you sighed, shaking your head.

The past few days had been very atypical so say the least. Between being known by people you don't recall, learning that you have past connections to people you don't even know, being confessed to by two people, and being kidnapped by someone who apparently has a history with you, you definitely needed a break. All this drama and confusion was making your head hurt.

A break was needed at the moment. A long good vacation where you could spend time alone without having to deal with any of this. But, of course fate wouldn't have that. Instead, you were stuck with a complete stranger to you who apparently knew you and decided to kidnap you. Could your day get any worse?

"I'm sorry that things turned out this way," the blonde girl gave you a look of genuine apology. "But I didn't know any other way to talk to you alone."

"Sure," you rolled your eyes.

Lumine laughed once again, "Even though you don't remember anything, you're still the same."

"Thanks," you gave a sarcastic smile.

For some reason, you couldn't help but act in this familial way with the girl who introduced herself as Aether's twin sister. It was like this personality was naturally made whenever you were with Lumine. Noting this personality swap from when you were with Xiao and Aether, you couldn't seem to doubt your unknown history with her.

While with Xiao and Aether, you were friendly, kind, and somewhat motherly even, when you were with Lumine, you seemed to be sarcastic, blunt, and like a sister. And most of all, none of this seemed one bit alien to you. It was more like it was a constant every day thing.

Just what was your past?

"Wondering about your past?" Lumine questioned as if she was reading your mind. "Wondering what your connection with me is?"

"How-" you whispered, confused at how she voiced exactly the things that you were thinking about.

"Like I said," Lumine started. "We have a history together. You simply forgot it. We were very close in the past. The two of us were like sisters. We could even communicate like we had telepathy. That was how close we were together. You even liked Aether."

Blushing at Lumine's last sentence, you realized something, "If what your saying is true, then why doesn't Aether remember me?"

"That's a long story," Lumine replied after a while of hesitation.

Thinking about all that she was saying, some of the things that she had told you seemed to contradict what Xiao had told you. He had said you had loved him while Lumine had said that you had loved Aether. There was just no way that you would cheat on them. Right?

Bot only that, according to Xiao, apparently you had been in the Archon War fighting with Xiao and Zhongli. However, Lumine was saying that you, her, and Aether spent your time together. How did you seperate your time to spend with both parties?

Something was simply not adding up.

When realistically thinking, you shouldn't believe either of them. All you knew was that you had a hole in your heart because you couldn't remember your past. All you could remember was the past year. Anything before that was pitch black.

Both stories could have been made to simply get you on their good sides and for them to use you. It was hard to decide what was what.

Who could you trust?

Breaking you out of your thoughts, Lumine put a hand on your shoulder, "I have a way to bring back your memories."


"I can bring back your memories," Lumine repeated. "You don't remember me or Aether. You don't remember our past together. I can help you remember."

"How?" You asked, slightly doubtful of her words.

Looking towards the door, Lumine spoke, "I can bring back your memories because I was the one that revived you."

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