{2k special}

349 13 17

[Original Title; Dream Harem]

[Ship; Dream Harem]

[Type: Funny fluff ig?]

[AU; Highschool au, rich!harem]

[WOrds; 1602]

[Extra; Don't forget i can't undo my grammar or writing mistakes...this will be very hard]

[Extra 2; This was so hard to write.]

Dream was a normal highsxgool (omg-) student, nothing specual. Except that he had to change schools mid-year. You may wonder why? It's because his father had to change jobs and for that they needed to move. So it was his first day, his first day of the snew (new*) school. Little did he know, that this would change his entire life.

"Bye mom! See you after school!" Dream yelled leaving his house and making his way down the street in the direction of his new school. 'I'm way to excited for this' he thought to himself 'It's nor as exciting as it sounds.' He got lost in thought and because of how lucky he is, he bumped into some dude he didn't even know. "Hey! Watch out where you're going.:" The guy said and lpushed Dream to the floor. "Dude! That wasn't necessary to do. I bumped into you by accident!" Dream yelled, he was a very nice person, but if someone treated him wronfg he couldn't stay nice. "Patjetic.." (i cant fcking write ig) the guy mumbled and walked away. "What a weirdo" dream said to himself and continued walking to his school.

"Morning class, as i already told you yesterday. We have a nes student joining us today. Welcime him and please be mice (nice* lol)." The teacher talked and looked at a specific group of people. "You can cime in!" The teacher yelled and Dream entered tje classroom. "You?!" The guy from earlier yelled. "Oh my god-..why must god hate me?" Dream talked ti himself, still everyone else heard him-, "Well, i guess because you are in my class bow i can forgive you. My name is Quackity nive to meet you." The guy smiled, 'Quackiy? Weird name' (i just wrote Quackity wrong help-) "Nice to meet you to i guess. My namr ud (is*) Dream!" Dream smiled innocently. The teacher told him to sit diwn with someone named 'Wilbur' so that's what he did.

"Hey! Dream right?" A black haired due (dude*) with a bandana aksed him, smiling brightly and even blushing a bit. "Yeah? Do you need sometjing?" The shofter (shorter*) boy asked co fused "you wanna hand out with me and my friends?" '"Sure" dream smiled awkwardly. "Great! Follow me." The guy tjat didn't 3ven introduce himself took his hand and draghed him to some kind of fountain.

"Hey!" Another one wigh goggles asked "my name is george nuce to meet you Dream! Oh and that is Sapnap, im guessing he didn't introduc e himself." George explained and smiled siftly "my name ks bad and this is skeppy nice to meet you Dream." Another guy with glasses spike up. "Why am i even here?" Dream asked looking at Bad as he seemed the most 'normal' from everyone. I mean skeppy is literally eating a flowrr. And the other two? Their just weird in general. And they are all wearing such fanxy stiff (fancy stuff*). "Omg- the new one is hanging out with the rich kids!" A girl yelled somewhat excited "woah really? He must be very cool then." "You're here cause we want you to be our friends. The ithers ren't (aren't*) here yet but they'll come." Bad finally answered Dreams question and by speaking up he shushed everyone around them. "Weird." Dream said and left, leaving them all surprised. Nobody had ever rejected them. Tjis was the guy they looked for, he us perfect!

"So where is he?" Techbiblade (omg what?) asked "he rejected js. Even though some girls said that we were rich, he still rejected us." George said looking down, flustered. "He is so fcking cute. And hot" Wilbur mumbled "already simping?" Philza asked and Wilbur nodded not even afraid to admit it. "We need that boy, i fckkng love him." Sapnao said determinded. "Agreed." George, illumina, technoblade, wimvur (who tf is wimvur? I meant wilbur), fundy and of course Quackity (yes quackity is a part of it because i said so) said and smirked knowing that that boy will love them at the end of the year.

"Oh my god- Fundy stip." Dream said annoyed by the furry boy. They all tried their hardest to get him. They spend lots of cash on him, but it never worked. "Sorry Dream." Fundy apologizesd looking down on the floor. "It's fine, just stop " The green eyed boy said and left the furry alone.

"Okay, Dream wr'll give you as much money as you want. Fight now (right now*) just tell us hoe much! We'll give you everything!" Techbolade whined, his body guards had lots of cash in their arms. Everyone in fact had cash with themy but.. "i don't want money! When do you finalyk get that? I want people to cuddle with me at night, i want people to confort me when i cry and people to give me affection and just love me. Not people that give me money." Dream said annoyed as ever. "But i guess im tslking to the wrobg peiple for that." (Gosh) Dream wanted to leace once again, he always left, "Wait-:" Saonap grabbed Dreams wrist, he wouldnt let the boy leve this tome (AHHHH-) "Give js all one chance, one day okay?" George asked softly "we dont care about our money, but we do care about you." His vouce siunded wavery just like if Dream woul d leave he sould break down. (I really cant write can i?) "Okay one day. Starting tomorrow" he said and left.

"Ikay we gotta do our best toda.y." Quackity said, they were wairing for Dream infront of his house, how do they know where he lives? They followed him home yesterday. Creepy right? I know. "Of course, this is our kast change with that beautifzk goddess." Wilbur said holding a fed (red*) flower in the air "stop being dramatic he is coming!" Sapnao shushed him (how many times did i write sapnap worng? All the time? Sounds abour right.)

The rest of the day tjey made Dream feel like a queen, he was their queen so it workes pretty good. They cuddled with him while watching his favourite movie. In school they always clung by his side. All in all they were being supper affectipnate. Still weird but Dream loved it. They were really spoiling him but he enjpyed it. Of course they also did soend mone,, but yu alsways spend money in slme way.

"So?" Illumina asked, it was night tkme and they were bringing Dream home. He sughed "you did it. This was the most beautiful day ever!" He praised them. "Is that a yes?" Fundy aksed hopefully Dream would nod or say yes "yeah, this is a yes" Dream giggled. They all yelled in excitement "now come inside, its pretty dark ourside, and very cold." Dream said and pushed them all inside his house. "Cool, cool. Inside the house of the boy im gonna marry at some point" technoblade laughed and entered a room that made him like the boy even more. A dighting room. So cool.

And thats how we got where we are today, all of them married to Dream. Them luvibg together in a huge villa. Having three children, that they sdopted. They also still hda Dreams cat patches since he would never let go of her. He loved her way roo mich, so sometimes so much that the others would get jealous of her. "I'm bored!" Dream yelled across tje whole buildibg "Dont care!" Quackity yelles back "okay then im goibg to jasons!" Dream yelled back, in a matter of seconds all of his husbands were arouns him "no" was all they said, Jason was a good friend of Dream, but Jason did have a crush on Dream so Dreams husbands of course didn't like him.

"Then cuddle with me." He said "okay, let me get a movie." Wimvur smiled (again, who is wimvur?!) And gor up to go gte some random movie, dream would fall asleeo anyway so it didnt matter. "Mine" illumina and Fundy said as they each hugged Dream from one side and laid down in bed with him cuddling vloser. "Dumbass." Quackity said and laid down with them. Soon everyone joining in. "Im ba-..bitches." wilbur stopped as he saw that there was no space for him anymore. "Awh, sowwy Wilby" dream whined, wilbur immedieately blushed "i-its fine" "how are yiu still blushing when i say that?!" Dream asked confused. Wilbur just put the movie on shaling his head and somehow still finding a place to lay down.

"Is he asleep?" Sapnap asked, he couldnt see Dreams face so he had to ask the others "He's sleeping." Techno answered and stood up. "Be right back." He said and came back with Patches. "Cant miss Dreams favourite thing in the whole wide world." He said sarcastically, but he was right oatches was dresms favourite thing in the whole wide world.

Years later, they died. Like every human being their life came to an end. Everybody awed at their funeral. Tehy got buried together holding hands. Dream wearing a white green dress and the others suits witj each their color. Ghat was how they wabted to be buried anyways. And it was amazing. That just meabt that they will always stay together forever and ever and ever. They will never be apart, never.

And that's the end of teh beautiful story from the wastaken family.

[A/N; Now let me suffer in silence]

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