X idol doesn't like Jimin

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They're talking about Jessie, not X idol, let me just name her.

They were in the unpretty contest back then and no one likes anyone in that contest. It's an unfair contest and there are very few people who write their lyrics entirely themselves. Most rappers use secret songwriters in that competition.

They also shit in each other's mouths. There are very few people who are really good in the competition, apart from that, words that contain unnecessary swearing and insults. I have no words for insults and swearing, it is normal in that competition, but there are seriously unnecessary users. In fact, the 2 rappers almost got into each other. The reason was the thing. Someone beat someone's mother out of nowhere.

In short, even if you compete with the sweetest person in the world in unpretty, you wouldn't like him. Shit environment I've watched some episodes just to name a few.

Also, Jimin was one of the most bullied people in that competition. It was the host's favorite and some contestants just couldn't handle it. Everyone there said bad things about her for something she said as a joke, including Jessie. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Jessie is a bad person or a bully, but like all the contestants, she was wrong. They were unnecessary to the girl.

I think Jimin said something.
"I'm sexy" or
"Sexy Jimin"

What was the need to spit in her mouth for that?

Meanwhile, Jimin was eliminated in the semi-finals but his opponent was really good. I liked Jimin better, but her opponent's song was more meaningful (describing his coma at 17)

Meanwhile, almost all Fnc idols unfollowed Mina. Jimin's fan was Mina who ate the most unf in terms of more idols.

Now that I've refuted one more excuse, İpek leaves. Also watch this very good

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