Ch. 15 "Talk"

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                                                   Pietro POV 

I slowly slipped out of bed, getting dressed quickly and quietly, as I pulled my shirt over my head I looked over at Hayden, 

She was fast asleep, the blankets covered her torso as she slept on her stomach holding a pillow close to her, you could see the scars her birth parents gave her, you could truly see the pain she had to endure, 

She tells me it's in the past that it doesn't matter to her anymore, what matters is us, and Clint and Laura are her family, 

It's not the people who birth you, but the people who show concern and take care of you that matter most in her life, 

I smiled at her, 

I walked over to her quietly kissing her forehead lingering or a little while and quietly walked out of our room, 

I walked in the main living area where Clint and Nat were already there, 

"Clint, may I have a word," I said 

He looked at me, arching his brow, Nat did the same, 

"What is it? is everything alright?" He asked 

He was clearly concerned for Hayden which I don't blame him, 

I nodded, 

"I am concerned though," I said 

He nodded asking me to go on, 

"This experiment she faced, it was too close, and I can tell she's struggling but she's not talking about it, I do think it would be best if she doesn't go back out there again," I said 

Clint nodded, 

"I fully agree with you, Nat?" Clint said 

"Same, But this isn't the problem it's Fury he's the one who forced her to go out there," Nat said 

"So were going to have to tell him straight out weather he likes it or not," Clint said 

I nodded, 

                                        Hayden POV 

I woke up finding the bed empty, 

I see a note on the night stand, 

"Thought I would let you sleep in since I wore you out princess find me when you are ready," Pietro 

I smiled 

I crawled out of bed and walked to the bathroom jumping in the shower, scrubbing my skin washing my hair, 

With a towel wrapped around me I looked at myself in the mirror seeing the love bites Pietro left, I have bruising on my hips, sides and thighs, 

I smiled thinking about last night, 

Since the first time in paris we can't seem to get enough of each other, the pure bliss of being in each others arms, 

I think that is why I've changed so much over the years, Pietro changed me for the better, helping me forget my past and only look at the future, 

Finding peace, coming to terms with what's happened, and I have, 

I finished getting dressed, a pair of leggings a oversized sweater that comes past my hips, and converse 

I brushed my hair out and brushed my teeth, 

I stared at my reflection and sighed 

I walked to the bedroom I started making the bed when I felt a pair of arms around me from behind, 

I felt a kiss along my jaw line, 

"I was starting to worry I was too rough with you," He said kissing down my neck, 

"Mmm, Never," I said 

"Mmm, That's good, Wanda agreed to take you dress shopping she is very excited," He said 

"Mmm, Did you plan that?" I asked as he kissed further down, 

"I may have," He said 

He spun me around in his arms, his hands on my hips, 

"Besides I'm sure you are itching to try on wedding dresses since everyone knows now," He said kissing my lips, 

"Mmm, Maybe," He said 

We hear a knock on the door, 

"Come on Hayden you can play lovey dovey with my brother later," Wanda said 

We both chuckled, 

"You better hurry Wanda sounds a little too excited," He said smiling at me, 

I kissed him one last time before walking out meeting Wanda, 

She grabbed my wrist and rushed out of the tower, 

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