Chapter 1

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*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

   "Awh man it's already 7 am, I groan as I turn off my alarm. As I get up I noticed a note from my husband that says "Sorry honey, I can't help you decorate your office today because I got called in for a emergency surgery". I decided to watch news while I got dressed this morning. After I got dressed I decided to get the news paper. When I went outside I saw a weird man sitting in a black 4 door truck across from my house, I hurried back into the house.

"Guys I'm gonna drop y'all off to school today because there's a weird man outside, but look we're in the news paper.

Olivia runs over with excitement and asks "can I borrow the newspaper".

I said ''yes of course you can", but you're gonna have to read it in the car because you and your brother are late for school".

As we get in the car, I turn the radio on, and put it on 95.7. Once I dropped the kids off at school, I decided to call Mariah but she didn't pick up. "Hmm, maybe she stills sleep. Once I get to my brand new law firm, I started decorating. The cox cable guy comes by to take a look at what he's gonna need to set up the office. I decided to try calling Mariah again but she still didn't pick up. I'm starting to get worried.

I decided to call Mrs.Young, she had said "I haven't seen or heard from Mariah since Monday morning, and she was supposed to stop by today for lunch".

"Hmm, well I'm gonna stop by her house and see if she's their"

"Ok Mrs.Young had said, after she hung up I left the office and went over to Mariah house.

Once I drove to Mariah house, I noticed her car was in the driveway, so I used my key to get in. She was just sleep, I had woke her up to make sure she's still alive. After tapping on her shoulder for 2 minutes she finally woke up.

She first jerked when she woke up

I said "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you", I just wanted to make sure you we're alright because me and you're mother was worried about you".

"You haven't been answering our calls".

"Omg, I'm sorry I worked a super late shift last night and didn't get home till 4a.m" she says.

'It's okay, I'm just glad you're okay", "Now that I know you're okay, I'm going to go home

"Okay, thanks for stopping by, I'm going to go feed lola now because I know she's hungry lol"

Roberts POV:

"Hmm, I wonder what's going on around town", As I open the news paper I see my ex Jessica just brought her own law firm and took a family pic. "She always was a goody-two-shoe".

"She should of never listened to Mariah, we had a perfect bond", but Mariah ruined it".


Later on that day Anderson had called to let me know he was own his way home. When we got home my mother had surprised us with one of our favorites. We had a great dinner, and we all talked about our day.  After dinner Anderson takes the trash out while I washed the dishes.

When he came back in he said "hey honey, I noticed a weird man staring at this house in a black 4 door truck"

"Omg I saw the same truck this morning, I dropped the kids off to school because I didn't know what would happened if I didn't".

"Well I'm gonna go confront him Anderson had said"

When Anderson started to approach the truck the weird man pulled off, flying down the street and nearly caused a car accident.

When Anderson gets back inside he tells me what happened

"Omg, that's so weird, Everything was fine until I got put in the news paper about my law firm".

"I know right, but everything is okay tough". "I'll do anything to protect my family". Anderson says

I had said "okay", and we decided to go to bed.

                                                         Next Day

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep*

"Awh man it's 7am already?, It felt like I just went to sleep".

"Good morning honey" Anderson had said. "Between Mariah is downstairs"....

"Good morning, and okay I didn't except her to be here this early lol"

After I got myself together, I went downstairs and when I looked out the window I noticed the black 4 door truck was outside my house again!!!!!!! This is getting weird, While the kids we're still sleep I went to the kitchen for some coffee, and I saw Mariah down there.

"Good morning sleepy head Mariah says."

"Good morning, I can't want to show you my office".

"Lol, I can't wait to see, do you already have your decorations"? Mariah says

"Yeah, I had got them yesterday, ready to go"?

"Ok, and yeah, between I'll drive just put the address in my car GPS" Mariah says.

As we head to the interstate, I noticed the black 4 door truck again, Mariah notices the truck to so she  took a different way to the office. When we got there, we noticed that someone broke in the office and stole all of my supplies. I called 911 immediately, after a half an pasted the NYPD showed up with Detective Joe, and his partner Sandra.

While looking around they had noticed that my security alarm were disabled. I haven't had the time to get anyone to set up my cameras, so we couldn't see who robbed me. They found a foot print of mud in the hallway, It came from someone wearing construction boots.

The detectives leave with the NYPD, and gave me their card. I was supposed to meet up with them tomorrow morning, but I have to take Olivia to the doctor since Anderson is gonna be working. I don't know how this could even happen to me!!

I start to wish I didn't open my law firm in this part of town. I should of did it somewhere else, as I was crying Mariah had came back with some food and took me home. When I got home I decided to call Detective Joe because I saw that black 4 door truck again and It made me think he was the one who did this to me, but why?

Joe didn't pick up so I decided to shower and go to sleep, but I start to hear some weird noise coming from outside, so I tiptoed to my window, and it was a man trying to take a picture of me. I woke Anderson up and called 911. By the time the police got here the man was gone.

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