Chapter 2

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Detective Joe finally came, he had recommend that we should leave the house for a few days because we seemed like a target, and I was the main one. We decided to stay at Mariah house, I had called her to make sure it was fine, She was still at work so she told us to make ourselves at home.

It was going on 4 am, so I decided to finally lay down after hours of crying and worry. Before I laid down I got a phone call from a private number. I was debating if I should answer or not but I did

"Hello, who is this?"

"Watch your back, I'm coming after you next" the mysterious man says.

He hung up before I could even say anything. I had so many questions, I began to worry again, and I couldn't even sleep. I decided to call Mariah but she didn't pick up.

Mariah POV: Hmmm, I wonder what's that vibrating noise coming from my pocket, As I reach for my phone I get grabbed from the back. They put the hand over my mouth while slowly dragging me away from my car. I got threw in a truck and he threw my purse in the middle of the street and speeded away. He pepper sprayed my eyes and injected a needle in me. Next thing you know I'm sleep

I tried again 30 minutes later and still no answer, I remembered she told me she was getting off at 4 am and it's going on 5. I began to worry again. I decided to fix some coffee to calm my nerves. It was going on 6am now so I called the hospital, they told me she clocked out at 4 but she wasn't home yet.

I decided to get dressed and go to the police station about the weird phone call . As I got in the car Mrs.Young had called me worried about  Mariah. I had told her I haven't heard from her since last night because where staying at her house.

It was now going on 9am and Mariah hasn't called or texted, something is going on so I decided to take a visit to Mrs.Young house


"Hey, Jessica" Mrs.Young says while crying

"This isn't like Mariah, she hasn't said anything and she got off at 4am".

"Maybe we should file a police report "?

"It's worth a chance, her safety is important ". I "had to go there either way because I got a weird phone call last night ".

"Okay , I'm gonna grab my keys and meet you in the car".

As we're heading to the police station I get a weird phone call from another private number. In the background I heard Mariah screaming for help and then they hung up. I decided to call Detective Joe while heading to the police station. He was supposed to meet us there.

Once we arrived I saw that black 4 door truck who's been following me. As I got out of my car with Mrs.Young he just stared at me, like he could look into my soul. As I went to file multiple reports he followed me but didn't look at me. He started to look familiar, After I had told Detective Joe about the phone calls and trucks I told him that the man in the black truck was here.

After they went towards him he ran towards the door and flew off in his truck. They had recommended me and my family to stay somewhere else with security since we were a target. A few minutes later they issued an silver alert for Mariah. I was so scared and poor Mrs.Young, she was crying and hoping Mariah was okay. We had no where else to go so we decided to stay in a hotel.

We were being watched by police all day, I wasn't even allowed to answer any phone calls. Later on the fire station had called Detective Joe to let him know someone burned down my law firm. I rushed down town hoping my law firm was saved but it was to late. I just cried for hours just wishing everything would end. I just don't know why this is happening to me.

Once again an another investigation opened up about me. It's going on 12 hours since Mariah missing alert has been put out. I'm starting to wonder who could even hate us this much, like to kidnap her and burn down my law firm is so evil.

It's now going on 12am, I decided to go lay down even though I couldn't sleep with a lot on my mind. Around 1am I got a phone call from a private number, I didn't wanna answer but Sandra insisted. I answered the phone feeling like I was about to fall out.

"Hello, who is this?"

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