The 1st Realm

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   In the first  moments of creation, there existed only one universe. It was dark, cold, just a lonely little bubble floating in the endless void. But in a split second, it formed stars, planets, life. These life forms were perfect in their own ways, fast, strong, extremely intelligent. They seemed to be curious about what their purpose was and why they were created. So they searched, they seemed to fear the unknown, or the possibilities of what lurks out there. Good, it's what helps them survive. What they fear, is unknown, and as they cannot comprehend the unknown, their first instinct it to fear it. How odd...

   As their curiosity grew, so did they as a civilization. They lived in peace, nothing but pure prosperity. But there was still something off about this realm, of course, overtime others had formed, but this one is...different. It seemed like nothing was wrong on the outside, but on the inside it was a dark mysterious place filled with eternal dread. Corrupt politicians, innocent people cast aside like trash, murderers, thieves, liars, cheaters!!! The entire world is an awful place, it's nothing but chaos!! It's sickening. They will have to pay for their sins, their abrogation of peace will result in their expurgation from the mortal realm into the pit of fire. Let the cleansing begin.

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