Not a Update, I'm sorry

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Hello to all of my wonderful and very patient fans. I usually hate doing Author notes as i am one of the many many people who skip over them if they're unimportant, but this is important, sadly. Uh, i just want to tell you all that i am so very sorry for not updating in so long. I used to have a schedule that turned into a barely there schedule and then a bunch of shit happened in my life and then that barely there schedule turning in to a non existent one. 

Trust me, I'm still writing. I do it everyday. And i have so many drafts waiting to see the light of day so that you all can enjoy my creative mind, but i have to fix them up quiet a bit before i publish any for the world to see. 

My writing process isn't something that i use to express creativity like everyone else usually does, or at least everyone else i know. My writing is a way for me to cope, a way for me to express bits and pieces of my life that included trauma that i doubt i'll ever actually heal from. 

So when im not hella depressed, to me my writing isn't good or good enough for you all. Most of the times when i put out a chapter, i don't expect it to get much views or comments because i believe that it was trash. 

But then i get to read all of the lovely comments that the people who i secretly call; my regulars (You guys know who you are, and I appreciate you all!), whether it be references to marvel or their actors, or speculations of what may happen in the future of this story, or simply talking about the story and what is happening in that moment period, it is then i begin to love my chapter because you all are verb very interactive and interested for reason i don't really understand yet I'm grateful for. 

Um, chapter 15 have been in the works for a really, really, really, long time, and i'm so very sorry about that. I know you all just want an update, whatever it be.

Also whiles i can, i have on my announcement board thing a slightly shorter explanation of why I've been gone. And i will paste that here (I'm still reallh sorry about ranting your ear off ChokeMePlz_thanks ):

But, uh yeah, I'm planning on updating the story. Because I hate Author notes in stories I uh, I haven't explained much of why the chapters uploading placements are so much more spacious than I would actually want, but its mostly because I have ADHD and stuff is hard to even focus on.

 Especially when you don't have your own space and your house is loud and rambunctious. It takes me a while to actually write a single chapter alone because of that and other reasons I am not comfortable enough to disclose. But uh yeah, sorry for the rant but I felt that you deserved an explanation of sorts. 

So far I only have a thousand or so words written for chapter 15, and my limit that I go to for each of my chapters is three thousand to four thousand words. So as soon as I meet that limit and find the mental strength to edit it, i will update the story.Again, I'm sorry for taking so so long and the rant. 


Other than that i have some questions for you all, what exactly do you guys want to happen in this story for each character? I have ideas, yes, but my books aren't planned and i just go based on how i feel at the time, so most times i don't go with the original plan.

Anyway, if you have any plot ideas of what you want happen in this story, you may comment here. ~~~~

If you want certain character development happen for a certain character, you may put it by their name. 










Additional characters and their character development along with how they can fit into this story goes here~

I think i said what all i needed to say in this, I'm sure at some point i'll remember something that i didn't put in and be annoyed that i didn't get to inform you all. But, Thank you all for waiting so patiently, i am curious to see all of your requests and how i can try and incorporate it into this book. If it doesn't fit and i don't add it in, that doesn't mean i didn't like it, i most likely did like your suggestion, yet didn't see how it would flow with the story. 

Anyways, I'll see you later my, little flowers. I'll try to upload in a reasonable amount of time.

~ A.S <3

P.S   For all of my fellow littles who keeps asking, yes, Bucky will be returning. I'll never kill off a major character in my book, especially in this book, Bear was simply asleep. 

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