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 Y/n grew up in luxury

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Y/n grew up in luxury. Her parents would always shower her with gifts and love. As a child, she had the latest toys, games, and had extravagant birthday parties. As she got older, she wondered how her parents ( in particular her father) were able to afford such things. So, she would ask her father what he does. But she never got a straight answer. It was always, "I'll tell you when your older" or " Just know that my job helps me buy you all the ponies you want". Due to his responses, she grew more curious as she got older.

One day, as she was ease dropping on her father's conference, she heard a round of gunshots. She peaked through the keyhole and saw her parents lie dead on the floor. She was shocked, too shocked to move. Eventually, one of the men responsible for the shooting opened the door and stared the little girl down.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here." a tall figure appeared in front of the girl.

" Looks like Mr. Falcon's snot nose kid sniffin in our business. Hey little girl, why dont we forget that this little accident didn't happen and I won't kill you." The man spoke with a sinister smile which scared y/n even more. So much, that she ran as fast as her kid legs could carry her. " Ugh the little bastard is getting away!" one of the man's soldiers said. " Go grab the little burnt brat." The mysterious man said as he lifted his cigar to his mouth.

Y/n ran all throughout the mansion looking for help, but only found dead bodies of the chefs, and servants around each corridor. "Why is this happening?!" she thought in fear. " Mommy's dead. Papa's dead. I can't find Wellington. What do I do?!"
As the soldiers were in her pursuit, she made her way to the family safe house past the flower garden. Before she could open the door, one of the soldiers knocked her out.

Y/n soon woke up in her room tied to her bed with bruises on her arms and legs. As she coward in fear, she heard footsteps enter her chambers.
"Well look who's awake. Slept well?" the man with the cigar came from the shadows.
"Who are you? Why did you kill my mommy and Papa?!" She shouted with the courage she had left.
"Oh, your old man didn't tell you? I'm the man who he owes me money. Your old man and I were buddies and had a little disagreement. So, I killed him. And we killed your slut mother for fun. We couldn't have her calling the police. My name is Leonardo Ricci, Head of the richest Italian mafia."

"Mafia?! What is a mafia?! Who knew Papa did this kind of job!" Y/n shook in fear like a puppy in the cold. Now she understands why her parents were never honest about what her father did. He was working alongside this guy.
"Now, since your poor excuse for a dad is dead, I have one thing to ask you." Leonardo leaned in to the fragile child's face. " Where does your daddy keep the family wealth and secrets?" He says as he grabs her small chin. " I.. I don't know. They never told me." Y/n pleaded. Leonardo sighed. "Well, I tried playing nice. Kill the girl, and make sure u clean up afterwards fellas."

His men closed the door and had their knives and guns ready. Before anyone could approach the girl, the door was blasted open. The girl pasted out before she could see who saved her. The only thing she remembers is the ruby necklace with the Falcon family crest on the back was placed on her neck when she woke up.
It's been 12 years since everything happened, and y/n tried her best to move on. But what really left her guessing was how she ended up in Mrs. Balalaika's base. Balalaika was Mrs. Falcon's half sister aka Y/n's aunt. She always watched over Y/n when she was small child whenever her parents weren't around. After her parents' death she took care of y/n as if she were her own and trained her to be a fine soldier. She didn't do this with anyone else. Even though she was cold at times, she was kind.

𝐿𝐼𝑇𝑇𝐿𝐸 𝐵𝑅𝐴𝑇- 𝑅𝑒𝑣𝑦 𝑥 𝐵𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝐹𝑒𝑚 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now