One Way Ticket

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The characters belong to Bittersweet; the song belongs to One OK Rock.
The only thing belongs to me is the plot. Everything is for entertainment purposes only and no copyright infringement intended.
I don't live in China and I only know the basic information of Chinese academic calendar and their typhoon season through Google. Please pardon the discrepancies.
Also yes, high warning of Arthit's OOC behavior here. And also yes, this is inspired by One OK Rock's One Way Ticket.

Oh, this fic wasn't reviewed nor edited. So, yeah.


It was almost daybreak when there was a steady (if we couldn't call it demanding) knock on his apartment's door. Kongpob, who was still working on rewriting the third chapter of his thesis since hours ago, frowned his eyebrows. He didn't have any appointment with anyone at this ungodly hour (who on their right mind would do that, anyway?), so who might be at the front of his door?

His over-stimulated brain suddenly remembered some horror stories his classmates told them during one of their hanging out sessions in the pub next to their university, that a friend of his friend's cousin's friend (don't think hard about it, I am confused too) once heard a knock on their door in the dead of the night and when they opened the door they were greeted by a floating, severed head asking for them whether they had seen his body. Kongpob shook his head wildly, tried to shake away the imagination out of his head.

The knocks were heard again, even more demanding now. He finally stood up and went to the door after he grabbed the heaviest item he could find in his kitchenette: the cast iron wok his mom bought him during one of her visits. He slowly peeked through the spy hole, fully hoping that he wouldn't have to see a severed head floating in front of his door.

And of course, he wouldn't see one. Instead, what his eyes saw made him single-handedly open the door as wide and as fast as he could without any hesitation.

His eyes turned into saucers in shock as he drank the view in front of him, and without further thinking he drew his guest into his hug. One of his hands clasped hard on the waist of the person in his arms; the other still held the wok firmly. He was so elated; the one who had been tormenting him even in his sleep finally showed up, and on top of that, that person was in his embrace.

"This isn't a dream, right? I am not dreaming, right?" His voice trembled while the one in his hug just gave out a muffled laugh. When the hug was released and they put their forehead against one another, Kongpob whispered the first question he had without further thinking, "Wh... Wh... Why are you here, at four in the morning, for God's sake??!"

There was actually a long train of questions wanted to slip out from his tongue but it failed miserably as he felt another lips came crashing on his without warning, in a hot, demanding kiss, sealing in all the words threatening to come out.

When he reluctantly broke the kiss to grant air into their screaming lungs, he could see Arthit frowned his eyebrows in a half teasing and half reprimanding way, and asked him back, "Seriously? We haven't met for nearly 6 months straight and that's the first thing you said to me?"

Kongpob smiled sheepishly at the question, but he didn't have the chance to answer because he noticed that Arthit's playful expression had morphed into confusion in a split of second. As he followed Arthit's line of sight, he saw the heavy-looking wok was still in his hand, which seemed ready to fly towards anything or anyone to protect its owner. He abruptly hid the wok behind his back with slight embarrassment.

"There's a reason for that, a long story even, but now please come in," Kongpob invited Arthit in, which he followed without further ado. As Arthit took his traveling coat and jacket off, Kongpob silently returned the wok to its place and went to his wardrobe.

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