rensung - don't wanna be without you

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note: i was so sleepy when i wrote this so there might be some mistakes. sorry the. also, i'm currently into clumsy bf jisung and overprotective bf renjun so here ehe. this was supposed to be more dramatic but idk i was really sleepy im sorry T_T even so, i hope you enjoy ^^

summary/description :
renjun is mad at him, or so he thought.

published: 210429 (on ao3)
written: the same night it was published(?)


"is this mr. huang renjun?" jisung's heartbeat picks up fast and hard against his chest as he hears his boyfriend's name.

"ah, no, no- i mean something bad did happen but- that's been taken care of already..." the police officer closed his eyes and took a breath, massaging the bridge of his nose, "wait for a while, i'll just ask," then he faces jisung who was visibly nervous and keep on biting his lower lip. "he wants to talk to you," he whispers to jisung. his had covering the phone's mic incase the other line hears. jisung shook his head, giving a pleading look to the officer which he got replied with an widened eye and straight lips "what do i tell?" the officer whispers to jisung again.

jisung places his hands against each other and placed it on his right cheeks, indicating that he was asleep. he doesn't really want to talk to renjun right now. he would've called jaemin but knowing renjun, he'd get more mad at jisung if he knew it through someone else or knew it other than himself first. what has happened is enough to get mad for, no need to add more. he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm himself.

"ah, hello? mr. huang, are you still there? ah, they said mr. park jisung is currently asleep. taking rest at our..." he eyes jisung once again then around the room, "...our break room. they let him rest there. he must have been shaken up from what happened- nothing serious mr. huang, just a bruise on his face and a sprained ankle- if you could fetch him? or anyone free right now is fine- he can't walk properly- ah yes, yes, thank you- yes, we'll be waiting- anytime is fine- okay, thank you for your time." the officer immediately let out a deep sigh right after the call, "your boyfriend is scary." jisung followed and took a deep sigh, saying i know, right. non-verbally.

"who's going fetch me anyway?" jisung asks the officer. he knows renjun is in a meeting around this time- renjun told him during their breakfast.

"na jaemin? he told me na jaemin will come around... the next hour?" the officer says, taking a look at his wrist watch then back to jisung, "take your rest. from the sound of your boyfriend, you'll need a lot of strength for later." he leans on his chair's backrest and closed his eyes. he must be tired too. having to take care of jisung and the other guy, then talk to renjun, plus early this morning. jisung don't know what's happening here earlier morning, but it's no doubt it's tiring.

now he feels guilty. the meeting must have gotten halted just answer the call... with a dumb reason. not really, but jisung feels like it is. he didn't even do anything yet he got punched on his face and got a freacking sprained ankle after chasing the culprit. he was just passing by after buying fast food snacks.

a realization hit him.

why didn't i just ordered? he face palms himself, less energy spent plus no mad renjun and less tired officer. ah, park jisung! you're such an idiot!

another sigh, it's too late now anyway. he stretched his legs and leaned on the backrest of the couch and closed his eyes, trying to relax and think of nothing.


jisung must have fallen asleep without realizing he has. he got startled awaken by the blockage of his breath, almost drowning from his sleep. he shot up and faced the culprit... na jaemin. jisung glares at him.

"was your sleep that good? took me a while to wake you up," jaemin took a seat beside jisung and stretched his legs and arms. as if he was about to sleep, "wanna go home already?" he yawns, crossing his arms and leaning on his back.

jisung contemplates for a minute, renjun wouldn't be home yet around this time right? he didn't know, but he didn't want to go home yet. all he knows, and it's obvious, he'll get scolded. he bites his lip and faced jaemin, "hyung, can-" but jaemin was already asleep.


he must have been working before coming here. maybe he'll let jaemin rest first, can be the reason for later.

jisung leans back on the backrest. trying to get back from his relaxing.


jisung takes a deep breath before pressing the passcode to their apartment. taking off his shoes and putting it aside, making sure to do it carefully, his ankle still hurts.

a scoff could be heard, "glad you thought of coming back," there, an cold looking renjun sitting on the couch at their living room "even thought you weren't coming home." a sigh left jisung's lips as renjun left the living room, entering their shared bedroom.

he would've came earlier. if it wasn't- he can't even blame jaemin. he wanted to stay. it's his fault for falling asleep.

okay jisung, you can do this!

he takes off his coat and hang it on the hanger placed the side before entering the living room. then he follows the older. renjun was already lying on the bed, facing on his side, away from the middle.

jisung washed up and changed clothes before lying beside renjun, back hugging and placing his chin on the older's shoulder, but his arms only got yanked and face pushed away. jisung bites his lip and tries again, "hyung," he, almost crying, says as he places back his chin on the older's shoulder. this time it wasn't removed, but he was still ignored, "i'm sorry." his eyes were swelling up with tears. he didn't want to fall asleep tonight or ever without his hyung's warmth engulfing him. that's almost the same as having a nightmare. "it won't happen ever again." he tightens his hug, "i promise," tears were almost falling and he didn't want them to so he avoided blinking, slightly tilting his up towards renjun's hair. "pinky promise," and when it falls, jisung crouches his head down, resting it on the older's shoulder. he couldn't help but let out a silent shaky breath, trying to not sniff, "you can even cut off my pinky if that happens again."

a sigh could be heard from renjun. he removes the arms around him and moves a bit forward so he could turn around and face his crying boyfriend, "why are you crying?" now the tears he was trying to stop earlier falls. he wipes jisung's tears and gave him a kiss, tasting the saltiness of the warm liquid. when he parted, jisung had his eyes close and his small hiccups, "why didn't you come home earlier? hyung was waiting." another hiccup was answered, "hyung was worried. i- ah," renjun breaths shakily, trying to steady his voice, "hyung is sorry," jisung opens his eyes and shakes his head, disagreeing, "i couldn't be there to protect you,"

"hyung-" jisung tries to answer, his voice raspy and breathy.

"look at what they did to you," renjun, more calm than earlier, slightly leans back to look at the bruise, then leans forward to kiss the corner of jisung's mouth where the bruise formed, then another quick on his lips, nose, cheeks, on the eyes that was still swelling of tears, and lastly, on his forehead. "i love you." renjun says, almost a whisper, leaning their foreheads together.

jisung parts and kisses renjun's forehead, "i love you too, hyung." he hugs renjun and let the older's head rest on his chest while jisung rest his on top.

he closes his eyes. letting a warm and comforting silence surround them.

yet, "and jisung," the latter answered with a hum, "i don't want a pinky-less boyfriend."

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