Chapter - 1

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Louis Pov -

Tomorrow was my first day of college. I still couldn't believe that I actually got accepted in Berklee. I kinda predicted it I guess,I have always been a straight A student. Books were kinda like a distraction to me. Ever since I was a child I didn't really do much things a child should normally do. I'm 21 now and I'm still stuck with my books. Ever Since my parents got a divorce, I guess I have always been distracted in my life. I lived with my mother Johannah.

She is the most kindest and sweetest person ever. I am really grateful to have a mother like her. She works full time in the hospital so I can't spend much time with her. But I understood that she is working just because of our family. I also have two sisters Daisy and Phoebe. They are twins and don't get me wrong ,I love them very much but I guess they mostly clicked with each other than with me.

My family didn't know I was gay. But I guess I always knew since I was really attracted to young Leonardo DiCaprio (I mean can you blame me?!). He was probably the hottest man alive in the world.It's not that I don't think that my family won't be supportive about my sexuality but I guess I'm just not ready to tell them yet. I have never had a boyfriend since the only thing close to me except my family were my books. As I said they have always been a distraction for me so that I can forget how shitty my life is. Sometimes I wish I had the perfect family so I could do the things a normal kid does but I never really got the chance.

I only had one friend growing up, Alex.
We were best friends once but after a few years of our friendship, I realised that I had feelings for him. That's when I really knew that I was gay. I used to get so nervous whenever I talked to him,I used to admire his beauty so much. My dumbass couldn't take it anymore and I finally told him that I liked him. Unfortunately, he didn't feel the same way about me. It really made things awkward for us. We didn't talk anymore. Whenever I approached him ,he kinda ghosted me every time. Whenever I waved at him in the hallway, he would see me but he would ignore me as if we weren't best friends for so many years. He started hanging out with his new friends while I was eating my lunch in the bathroom, all alone. That's when I really became lonely when I lost the only friend I had. Since then, I have been scared to open up to people. I'm scared what everyone will think about me, they will probably think I'm an awkward freak who's best friends are books.

I guess I have always been kind of a loner but the only thing that really clicked to me was my passion, Music.
I have been singing ever since I was a child and it has become a part of who I am. It's like I get this sudden boost of confidence whenever I start singing. I completely forget what is happening in my life and I completely become focused in the harmony filling my ears.

I'm upset that I have to leave my Mother and my two sisters when I go off to college but I guess I have to make some sacrifices and I have pay the price in order for me to achieve my dreams and be successful. 4 years is a really long period of time and I hope people are not mean to me like they were in school. My Mother always encouraged my singing but we didn't have enough money so that I could go to music classes. That's why Berkeley was really important to me. Many singers work so hard to get in this college just so they can follow their dreams. I guess I'm lucky that I got accepted into this prestigious school and hopefully I will not ruin this chance like I ruin everything.

There was this famous contemporary music program in Berklee in which I really wanted to get into. But I was afraid my introverted ass would mess everything up. I was really nervous about college but I guess I was more nervous if I will get a chance to prove that I'm actually a good singer and they will allow me in their group. They have gone to all types of music competitions against different colleges and almost won all of them. I was scared that maybe I'm just not talented and they would never take in a singer like me. This is probably my only chance to achieve something in life by doing something which I really love. They will probably think I'm a no-good freak. But I guess I won't know until I try.

A/N : I hope you guys liked the first chapter. This chapter mainly focuses on Louis background so I would recommend not to judge this fanfic on the basis of the first chapter :)

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