Chapter - 3

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I couldn't find a dorm picture of Berklee so here's a random picture of a dorm🤠

"Give me back my pizza Liam." said a
blonde guy standing on top of his bed.

"Fuck you Niall. Your name is not written on it"

"It does not mean it's not my pizza if my name is not written on it! I saved it especially for breakfast cause it has more toppings. Now give it back."

"Will not" said the other guy taking a huge bite of the pizza.

NOOOOOOOOO!!!! said the blonde guy who jumped from his bed to catch the other guy.

Suddenly I heard a huge thud and I  noticed that the guy being overly dramatic for a piece of pizza fell off his bed.

"Ouch....You will pay for this payno".

"Enough you guys." suddenly Zayn broke the fight. Behave yourselves.

"This is our new roomate, Louis."

"Hi,I'm Louis Tomlinson. Nice to meet you guys."

"Hey Louis, I'm Liam" said the guy eating the pizza.

"And I'm Niall" said the blonde guy who was limping now because of his fall from the bed.

"Well, that was an amazing first impression." said Zayn sarcastically.

"Not gonna lie payno, don't underestimate Niall, you know he's good at playing pranks. He will definitely take revenge."

Niall grinned at Liam mischievously.

"I - I will be prepared" Liam said while stuttering.

Suddenly the door opened and a beautiful girl came and without saying anything she kissed Niall.

"Well, hello to you too." Liam said.

"Sup losers" she said after kissing Niall with all her might as if we didn't exist.

Who's that?

Zayn introduced me to the girl "This is Louis, Our new roomate"

"Louis, this is Amelia, Niall's girlfriend."

"Yaa so hands off" Niall tried to sound threatening but failed cause everybody started laughing at him including Amelia.

"Aww babe you are so cute"

"What?! I'm serious" Niall said while rolling his eyes.

"Yaa umm..." I said while stuttering


"I'm gay"

Omg no way!!
"Me too" Zayn said while smiling and pointing to Liam "and he is too"
"We are dating" Liam replied shortly and kissed Zayn on the lips.

"Yaa I'm kinda like the third wheel in this room" Niall said "I wish you could stay here Ame's"

"You know I can't"

Oh "btw Amelia is from the dance program so she has a different dorm on the other side of the building" Liam said "that's why our Irish Princess here is sad cause she can't visit too often"

I nodded my head.

Idk why but I felt comfortable with my roommates even tho we just met, we had a lot in common, we all are from the music program and two of them are gay so I don't have to hide my sexuality here. And Amelia was such a badass, she gave me a really good vibe, I think she would be a really good friend of mine.

"Oh shit I gotta go I have rehearsal" Amelia said hurriedly, she kissed Niall one last time before going.

"Bye babe"

"Also it was nice to meet you newbie, but I feel sorry for you that you have to live with these two losers,she said while grinning mischievously."

"I think I will manage" I said while laughing "It was nice to meet you too, Bye"

She went after closing the door.



"If she has rehearsal then doesn't it mean that we have rehearsal too?"

"Fuck we are so late, The lead singer is going to kill us" Niall said while packing his bag.

"Shit, we are so dead" they all hurried and packed their bags with some song notes and I was just standing there not knowing what the fuck I'm supposed to do.

"Hey Louis" suddenly Zayn called me, I think he noticed that I was just standing there clueless. "Why don't you come too"

"What? Is that even allowed?!"

"Well we don't know actually, I guess we are going to find out"

Ok...fine if you guys insist.

Sure,don't worry nothing will happen.

They all packed their bags and Liam asked "y'all ready?"

I nodded my head and said "yes"


When I entered the room where rehearsals are held, idk why I was so nervous, it was not like I  had my audition for the group now or something. I was so scared that I will ruin this opportunity just like how I ruin everything. I will probably embarass myself in front of the lead singer who is also the judge and he will not pick me later.

"Louis? Are you listening?"

Suddenly my thoughts went all over the place and I replied "umm...yaa"

"Are you good?" You are sweating a lot.

"Uhh yaa I guess I'm just nervous" I laughed it off but inside I was afraid my heart will come out of my chest.

There were so many instruments in that room, there were like 10 guitars in a row, pianos and all other type of instruments. I was in awe and I imagined myself playing those instruments.

So "you like it?" Niall asked me.

"Are you kidding?!" I love it. There are all types of instruments here! What is your favourite instrument?

"Definitely guitar, I have been playing it since I was a little child, it's like whenever I play the guitar, I get this sudden boost of energy. Some people will call it weird but I have also written a song about my guitar"

"I don't think it's weird, I think it shows how much the guitar means to you, how it has been an important part of you, I think it shows that you are a determined singer who sings from the soul." I replied.

Niall smiled at me and said "only a singer can understand a singer."

"That is true." I smiled and I thought to myself "I have finally found my people, maybe I'm not a freak anymore for them because they understand me...."

I was just circling through my thoughts Suddenly Liam nudged me in the shoulder and said "Are you ready?"

For what?

"To meet the lead singer of course."

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :)
What do you guys think of Amelia?
I wanted Niall to have a girlfriend too and I showcased Amelia as a girl that I would love to be in my life.
She's Badass, a talented dancer, confident , does not care what others think about her. Also she is really close to Zayn and Liam too.
So I hope you guys like her😙✌🏼

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