1:Miss Narcissa

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Miss Narcissa came to Joseph's house. Joseph and Vivian were there playing chess. She told Joseph that they'd be homeless daffodils if they didn't pay their rent for the month, which was the total of $1,500, due to the high amount of water usage. Vivian then called Miss Narcissa the deadliest thing in the world. She said that Miss Narcissa was so sick that she'd kill anybody if they consumed her. Joseph then punished Vivian, and send her to her room. Vivian then got upset, and she decided to run away to Patrick's house. She had to take the really long way to get there, and it took a long time to get there. Miss Narcissa came in the morning, but Vivian wasn't there until the afternoon for Patrick's house. When she got there, Patrick was surprised. However Vivian was out of breath, from all the walking she had to do. She was excited to have to move in with Patrick. She wanted to move in with him. However, Joseph couldn't find Vivian. Vivian was hoping to be home before sunset. But then Patrick showed her in a crystal ball, that Joseph really want her back home. Vivian then got upset that she left Joseph heartbroken. She then began to leave home, and then Patrick said " better run, a severe thunderstorm is coming, and it's coming like mother nature ready to paddle us with a paddle is that we misbehaved in school in the old days. Hopefully Vivian gets back to Daffodilland safely.

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