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The door closed loudly behind Calum, the sound echoing through the house. He waited just inside and listened until he heard the sound of feet slapping against the tile.

"Hey, Cal."

Tension immediately filled the air as he came face to face with Ashton for the first time in over a week. Without thinking, his arms crossed over his chest, as if they were armor against whatever shit show was sure to follow.


"Everyone's out on the patio. Do you wanna go?" He jerked his thumb over his shoulder in the direction of his small backyard.

"That's fine." Calum brushed past him, hoping to keep things civil, at least this early in the night. He reached the door and stopped as his hand gripped the handle. The sight of Sierra, Crystal and KayKay caught him off guard and he turned to glare at Ashton. "Thought this was a band dinner."

"It is." Ashton squinted.

"And the girls?"

A moment of silence passed as they stared at one another. "What, Cal? Was I supposed to invite your toxic ex?"

"She's not my fucking ex Ashton. We're just—" He stopped because he didn't know exactly what they were. He had never broken up with Fallon and they were working on things, but saying they were together didn't really feel right either. "We're just like, on a break."

"Break, broken up, it's all the same really and I didn't think we needed extra drama. This is supposed to be about us and the new album."

"An album she inspired half of!" Calum cried.

"Doesn't really matter, I didn't think she belonged here."

Rough and heavy breaths had Calum's chest rising and falling in a jagged pattern. "Maybe I don't belong here either."

"Geez, don't be so overdramatic." Ashton rolled his eyes and Calum held back the desire to punch him.

"Am I being overdramatic? Can you honestly look me in the face and say that if you showed up at Luke's and the rest of the girls were invited but not Kay that you would be okay with that?"

"It happened. A few months ago when we were broken up." Ash explained.

"That was by your choice. Or did you forget the part of that where you asked that she not be invited. This isn't the same, this is just you being petty."

"Calum! Hey!" Sierra's voice surprised him and he turned to greet the short brunette with a friendly hug, offering Luke who had followed close behind her a handshake.

"Think the food's about ready, we came to get the drinks for everyone if you want to head outside and get seated."

"I'll help." Calum offered, wanting something to occupy his hands so he didn't assault his best friend.


If the rest of the group noticed the awkward tension and strained smiles held by Ashton and Calum they didn't comment on it. The two sat on opposite ends of the table uncomfortably eating their meals and steering clear of the conversation around them for the most part.

That is, until Calum was addressed directly by Crystal. "So, Calum, how are things with Fallon?"

He took an extra moment to chew and swallow the bit of food that was in his mouth, dabbing at his lips with a napkin before responding. "It's going okay I guess. We're seeing a couples counselor." Various eyebrows around the table raised and Ashton scoffed, a smirk appearing on Calum's face when KayKay elbowed him in the stomach.

"Do you think you'll forgive her? That you'll get back together?" Michael asked this time.

"I don't know, really. We never officially broke up and I don't know that I have a true say in the matter. My heart's leading the charge and no matter how angry at her my head wants to be it's like I'm incapable of staying mad at her."

"Bunch of bull." Ashton muttered and both Calum and Kay glowered at him. "Well it is! All of you know I'm right, you just don't want to say it to him. She had a fucking abortion and lied about it. She spent months making you think she had a miscarriage, getting you to feel sorry for her and no wonder she regressed from you during all of that, she was fucking guilty. This isn't some small thing she did once either, this was a pattern of lies and manipulation and you are too fucking brilliant to be walking around looking like this much of a fool because of her." Ashton's hand slammed down on the table causing the plates scattered across it to clink and the table itself shook as he stood with force and stalked back into his house.

"On that note..." Calum pushed back from the table. "I think I'll be going."

"Oh, no. Cal, please don't leave." KayKay said to him, reaching across the table and softly placing her hand on his. "I don't know why he's being like this but it's just him. The rest of us aren't in agreement. What happens between you and Fallon should be between you and Fallon. We all love you both and just want to see you happy."

"Thanks." He said curtly, taking his hand back, "but I really should go."

He dipped his chin in a subtle nod to those still at the table before turning on his heel and retreating back out of the house.

A loud and annoyed huff echoed through his SUV as he slumped into his seat. It felt like no matter what he did or where he turned there was always another set back or challenge. Nothing ever seemed to go his way and it was infuriating. He couldn't fight the loud groan that came from him as he leaned his head forward to rest on his steering wheel. He jumped when he accidentally hit his horn.

With closed eyes he took a deep breath and released it, leaning his head back and covering his eyes with his hands. His phone vibrated in the cup holder where he had dropped it, the buzzing garnering his attention even before he saw the name on the screen.


The phone continued to ring as he stared at it and tried to decide what to do. There was a part of him that yearned for the days where answering her calls was a no brainer. Now, it took a full three rings before he finally slid his finger over the screen and pressed it to his ear.


"H—hey, Cal." Her words were stuttered and immediately his most recent scuffle with Ashton was forgotten, completely overshadowed by the shake and fear in Fallon's words.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Not really."

A beat of silence followed and Calum struggled with what to say. There were so many thing about them still up in the air, he didn't know the protocol here. Wasn't sure what he could offer her.

"Look—I'm sorry to even ask but—would you come over? Erin still won't talk to me, Wes is with her girlfriend and Chayse didn't answer my call. I don't have anyone else."

"Yeah" he cleared his throat. "Yes, I'll be right there, give me fifteen minutes."

An: so Ash is just not letting this go

What do we think? Any theories? (Please help me because at this point even I DONT KNOW why he's being such an ass but it keeps coming out when I write him🤦🏻‍♀️)

Fallon reached out! Why? What's wrong?

How will things go when cal gets there?

Let me know your guesses!

Bear with me while I switch to summer schedule and get used to writing at home! Summer is only 6 weeks for me this year and I've got so many errands so I'm apologizing in advance in case I miss a few updates. Just know I love you guys and appreciate your support so much!

Sav 🖤

Push Me Away : Book 2 of the Teeth SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now