Kyle ~pov~

9 1 6

The sun peers in through the slightly parted purple curtains and washes over me, waking me from my deep sleep. Just as I stirred awake, my mother came in like an alarm and told me to get ready. Just another day of school to be had and I dreaded every minute of it, from getting up, to getting ready to going to campus till the very end and coming home.

I drag myself from bed, groggy and not exactly in the best mood. Mother leaves shortly after, closing the door behind her so I can get dressed in what little peace I have.

Yawning, I strip out of my boxers and start a shower. For about 5 minutes after I stepped into the shower, I just let the water wash over me, eyes closed as I play in my mind everything I'd have to put up with today.

The usual; work, teachers, assholes and then the most boring, but aggravating thing tests and the dickwad that sits behind me in third period.

Eventually, I finish my shower and wrap a towel around my waist. Exiting the bathroom, I lazily rummage through my drawers, pulling out some black skinny jeans, navy blue tank top and a bruise colored jacket to match. After dressing, I pull my knee-high deep purple boots on and make my way out to the table. Mother had made a simple breakfast; eggs, bacon and toast. Quickly I ate the breakfast so I could get out of there without mother asking me questions like she did every morning. Just another thing to add to the list.

I snatched my bag and briskly walked it to school. I wasn't in the mood for riding the bus nor deal with the people on it. In a matter of half an hour, I reach campus and grit my teeth, the usual jerk boy band by the entrance gate, calling out to me, using derogatory terms already like they have nothing better to do than to make me of all people feel like shit.

Fuck 'em

I thought to myself then snickered at the following thought.

Nah, that'd be giving them too much hope.

With that amusing thought, I managed to slip through the crowds near the gate and in the courtyard so I could reach my locker. Grabbing the things that I need for class, I put them into my bag. Locking my locker, I head off to first class and one of my worst subjects; math. Entering the classroom, I notice a couple of students over most of them, but other than that I just take my usual seat in the back by the window.

Peering out the window, I sigh, awaiting death by struggle in academics. Grabbing my sketchbook out of my bag, I start to aimlessly draw. The teacher came in before I had the chance to finish. The bell rings, signaling that class is now beginning. Students hurry to their seat while I put my sketchbook away, grabbing my notebook out. Realizing he was just going to lecture us again I prop my head up on my hand while I rest my elbow on the desk, making it appear that I was going to listen.

Looking down at my notebook, I lazily open it and pose my hand with a pencil in it, adding to my appearance. He obviously didn't pick up on it, so let's see how long it takes him. Snickering slightly at the lack of perception, I continue with my charade. He asks a couple of students questions that weren't pay attention to the lesson. He sighs, utterly disappointed and goes to the board, talking once more. Looking down at my notebook, I start to aimlessly sketching again, lost in my thoughts per usual. So lost in thought in fact that I didn't hear the teacher calling me out. Looking at the teacher with a bored expression on my face, I spoke up, voice monotone.

"Yes, Mr. Bertaint?"

"Were you even paying attention to what I said about next week?" When he spoke, it was hushed and with a bit of aggravation, obviously just about as done with this as I was.. Shrugging, I sigh.

"Not really sir, but please do inform me about next week's oh so great agenda." My voice was dripping with sarcasm and faked joy. Frowning, he pinches the bridge of his nose.

his the one? why me?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu